Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 112 32.1

line true false branch
142 0 3 if ($tag =~ /^optimal/o) { }
1 2 elsif ($tag =~ /^cai/o) { }
1 1 elsif ($tag =~ /^tai/o) { }
0 1 elsif ($tag =~ /^base/o) { }
146 0 0 ref $val eq 'HASH' ? :
151 0 1 ref $val eq 'HASH' ? :
157 0 1 ref $val eq 'HASH' ? :
162 0 0 if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY' or $val =~ /^seq/) { }
239 13 13 if ($type =~ /cai/i) { }
13 0 elsif ($type =~ /tai/i) { }
251 0 26 unless ($xaiHash)
258 0 26 unless my $codonList = $self->get_codon_list($seq)
267 26 1560 unless $$codonList{$codon}
269 26 1534 if $nonDegCodons{$codon} and $type =~ /cai/i
270 13 1521 unless (exists $$xaiHash{$codon})
272 0 0 $self->no_atg ? :
0 0 if $self->debug and $self->no_atg ? $codon ne 'ATG' : 1
282 0 26 unless $xai
305 0 0 unless my $optimalCodons = $$self{'_optimal_codons'}
308 0 0 unless my $codonList = $self->get_codon_list($seq)
318 0 0 if not $withNonDeg and $nonDegCodons{$codon}
319 0 0 if $$optimalCodons{$codon}
478 0 26 unless defined $minTotal
482 0 26 unless my $codonList = $self->get_codon_list($seq)
488 0 26 if ($correctBaseComp)
490 0 0 unless (defined $baseComposition)
492 0 0 unless my $defaultBaseComp = $self->base_composition
495 0 0 if ($defaultBaseComp eq 'seq') { }
0 0 elsif ($defaultBaseComp eq 'seq3') { }
514 0 0 unless $expectedCodonFreq
529 26 468 if ($redundancy == 1)
540 26 1508 unless exists $$codonList{$_}
546 4 464 if $AAcnt < $minTotal or $AAcnt < 2
549 0 464 if ($correctBaseComp) { }
576 22 1504 unless $codonCnt
585 130 0 if ($numAAInClass > 0)
591 130 0 if $Fsum > 0
604 130 0 if (exists $FavgByClass{$redundancy})
606 0 130 unless $FavgByClass{$redundancy}
613 0 0 $F_EstimateMethod eq 'mean' ? :
616 0 0 unless ($estimatedFavg)
633 0 0 if $redundancy == 1
635 0 0 if ($equalRatio) { }
641 0 0 if $r < 2
646 0 0 if ($cnt > 0) { }
657 0 0 if ($redundancy == 3) { }
699 0 0 if (ref $seq eq 'HASH') { }
707 0 0 if ($pos) { }
709 0 0 unless $pos > 0 and $pos < 4
711 0 0 if ($codonList) { }
734 0 0 if ($codonList) { }
755 0 0 wantarray ? :
810 0 0 if (uc $baseComp eq 'NA')
816 0 0 unless $baseComp and ref $baseComp eq 'ARRAY'
824 0 0 if $$baseComp[$_] == 0
830 0 0 $compSum > 2 ? :