Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 103 106 97.1

line true false branch
85 44 134 if defined $max_depth
87 5 173 unless (/$match/cg)
88 4 1 / \G \z /cgx ? :
91 8 165 if ($1 eq '~,') { }
3 162 elsif ($1 eq 'f,') { }
3 159 elsif ($1 eq 't,') { }
7 152 elsif ($1 eq 'b') { }
68 84 elsif ($1 eq 'u') { }
20 64 elsif ($1 eq 'i') { }
11 53 elsif ($1 eq 'r') { }
26 27 elsif ($1 eq '[') { }
27 0 elsif ($1 eq '{') { }
102 1 4 if $len > length($_) - pos($_)
107 1 3 $decode_key ? :
1 3 unless $decode_key ? / \G : /cgx : / \G , /cgx
113 2 61 if $len > length($_) - pos($_)
118 28 33 $decode_key ? :
2 59 unless $decode_key ? / \G : /cgx : / \G , /cgx
123 12 8 if defined $2
124 1 7 if / \G \z /cgx
128 8 3 unless (defined $2)
129 1 7 if / \G \z /cgx
132 1 1 if $2 eq '0' and $3 eq '0' and $4 ne '0'
140 4 22 if defined $max_depth and $max_depth < 0
149 3 24 if defined $max_depth and $max_depth < 0
154 2 31 if / \G \z /cgx
155 2 29 unless / \G (b|u) /cgx
162 1 28 if exists $hash{$key}
163 1 27 if defined $last_key and $key lt $last_key
165 1 26 if / \G \} /cgx
178 1 91 if @_
179 2 89 unless defined $_
181 1 88 if utf8::is_utf8($_)
185 4 35 unless $_ =~ / \G \z /cgx
197 4 100 if (not defined $_) { }
61 39 elsif ((my $ref = ref $_) eq '') { }
5 34 elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
7 27 elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') { }
6 21 elsif ($ref eq 'SCALAR' or $ref eq 'Bifcode::V2::BYTES') { }
4 17 elsif (&boolean::isBoolean($_)) { }
4 13 elsif ($ref eq 'Bifcode::V2::INTEGER') { }
9 4 elsif ($ref eq 'Bifcode::V2::REAL') { }
3 1 elsif ($ref eq 'Bifcode::V2::UTF8') { }
201 4 57 if (utf8::is_utf8($_)) { }
37 20 elsif ($_ =~ /$number_qr/) { }
0 20 elsif ($_ =~ /[^\x{20}-\x{7E}]/) { }
206 26 11 if (defined $3 or defined $5) { }
248 2 2 $_ ? :
252 2 1 unless $$_ =~ /\A (?: 0 | -? [1-9] [0-9]* ) \z/x
258 1 7 unless $$_ =~ /$number_qr/
278 3 66 if @_ != 1
286 0 16 unless defined $ref and defined $type
304 2 62 unless @_ >= 2 and @_ <= 3