Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 118 334 35.3

line true false branch
42 0 1 if ($name) { }
48 0 0 if (@names) { }
49 0 0 defined $$self{'order'} ? :
59 0 0 if (@names) { }
65 0 0 if ($name) { }
77 0 28 unless $self->isDefined($term)
83 11 18 if (defined $$self{$base}{$term}{$_}) { }
84 11 0 if (ref $$self{$base}{$term}{$_} eq 'ARRAY') { }
122 14 29 if ($niveis >= 1) { }
29 0 elsif ($niveis == 0) { }
153 0 0 unless $dic
157 0 0 if (defined $$self{'languages'}{$lang})
160 0 0 if (defined($trad = $$self{$$self{'baselang'}}{$term}{$lang}))
165 0 0 if (defined $$dic{$term})
166 0 0 if (defined $$dic{lcfirst $term})
167 0 0 if (defined $$dic{lc $term})
180 2 0 unless (ref $other)
187 1 1 if ($$self{'baselang'} eq $$other{'baselang'}) { }
0 1 elsif ($$self{'baselang'} eq '_') { }
1 0 elsif ($$other{'baselang'} eq '_') { }
202 1 1 if ($$other{'name'} eq $$self{'name'}) { }
0 1 elsif ($$other{'name'} eq '_top_') { }
1 0 elsif ($$self{'name'} eq '_top_') { }
221 8 0 if (exists $$a{$c} and exists $$b{$c}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $$a{$c}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $$b{$c}) { }
253 6 14 if ($self->isDefined($term) and $other->isDefined($term)) { }
9 5 elsif ($self->isDefined($term)) { }
265 6 10 if ($class eq '_NAME_') { }
1 9 elsif ($$new{'externals'}{$class}) { }
0 9 elsif ($$new{'languages'}{$class}) { }
272 1 0 if (exists $$self{$$self{'baselang'}}{$a_def}{$class})
276 0 1 if (exists $$other{$$other{'baselang'}}{$b_def}{$class})
285 6 3 if (exists $$self{$$self{'baselang'}}{$a_def}{$class} and exists $$other{$$other{'baselang'}}{$b_def}{$class}) { }
2 1 elsif (exists $$self{$$self{'baselang'}}{$a_def}{$class}) { }
296 5 2 unless ($there{$_})
412 1 0 if (defined $$obj{'version'}) { }
449 0 10 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH')
454 10 0 if (not $self) { }
468 0 10 unless open ISO, $file
475 17 87 if (/^%\s*inv(?:erse)?\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) { }
1 86 elsif (/^%\s*enc(oding)?\s+(\S+)/) { }
0 86 elsif (/^%\s*tit(le)?\s+(.+)/) { }
0 86 elsif (/^%\s*aut(hor)?\s+(.+)/) { }
2 84 elsif (/^%\s*desc(ription)?\[(\S+)\]\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) { }
30 54 elsif (/^%\s*desc(ription)?\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) { }
4 50 elsif (/^%\s*ext(ernals?)?\s+(.*)$/) { }
4 46 elsif (/^%\s*lang(uages?)?\s+(.*)$/) { }
5 41 elsif (/^%\s*top\s+(.*)$/) { }
8 33 elsif (/^%\s*baselang(uage)?\s+(\S+)/) { }
0 33 elsif (/^%/) { }
559 0 148 if ($term =~ /^\s+$/)
565 148 0 unless ($term =~ /^#/)
568 0 148 if $$self{'defined'}{lc $term}
577 5 143 unless /\n$/
579 3 250 unless $4
581 250 0 unless ($2 eq '#')
585 0 250 unless $class
588 6 244 unless defined $$self{'descriptions'}{$class}
592 22 228 if (exists $$self{'externals'}{$class} and defined $$self{'externals'}{$class}) { }
5 223 elsif (exists $$self{'languages'}{$class} and defined $$self{'languages'}{$class}) { }
621 0 10 if (exists $opt{'completed'} and $opt{'completed'}) { }
629 0 0 if ($casesen) { }
636 0 0 if (@$rs) { }
648 0 0 if (@ts = $t->terms('_order_', 'NT'))
650 0 0 if (@ts = $t->terms('_external_', 'NT'))
652 0 0 if (@ts = $t->terms('_top_', 'NT'))
654 0 0 if (@ts = $t->terms('baselang_', 'NT'))
656 0 0 if (@ts = $t->terms('_language_', 'NT'))
658 0 0 if (@ts = $t->terms('_symmetric_', 'NT'))
662 0 0 if (@ts = $t->terms('_relation_', 'NT'))
686 0 0 if (defined $lang) { }
688 0 0 exists $$obj{'descriptions'}{$x} ? :
691 0 0 if (exists $$obj{'descriptions'}{$x}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $$obj{'descriptions'}{$rel}) { }
707 0 0 unless $class = uc $$conf{'rel'}
708 0 0 unless $desc = $$conf{'desc'}
709 0 0 if ($$conf{'lang'}) { }
725 0 0 unless defined $$obj{'descriptions'}{$a}
726 0 0 unless defined $$obj{'descriptions'}{$b}
729 0 0 if $$obj{'inverses'}{$_} eq $a or $$obj{'inverses'}{$_} eq $b
749 0 0 if defined $$obj{'encoding'}
753 0 0 if defined $$obj{'title'}
757 0 0 if defined $$obj{'author'}
771 0 0 if $$obj{'name'} ne '_top_'
775 0 0 if $$obj{'baselang'} ne '_'
787 0 0 if ($term =~ /^(\w+)\s+(\w+)$/) { }
812 0 0 if $class eq '_NAME_'
813 0 0 if (defined $$obj{'languages'}{$class}) { }
822 0 0 unless open F, ">$file"
823 0 0 if (defined $$obj{'encoding'})
844 0 0 if (ref $_[0])
858 0 0 if exists $$conf{'scriptname'}
863 0 0 if (exists $param{$topic}) { }
867 0 0 if exists $$conf{'title'} and $$conf{'title'} eq 'no'
868 0 0 if ($obj->isDefined($$obj{'name'})) { }
878 0 0 unless $obj->isDefined($term)
881 0 0 if $show_title
890 0 0 if $rel eq '_NAME_'
893 0 0 if exists $hide{$rel}
896 0 0 if grep {$_ eq uc $rel;} @{$expander;}
899 0 0 if (exists $norel{$rel}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $$obj{'languages'}{$rel}) { }
915 0 0 if ($desc eq '...') { }
937 0 0 if (exists $$obj{$$obj{'baselang'}}{$term}{$rel})
940 0 0 if @terms
967 0 0 if @terms
976 0 0 defined $$self{'order'} ? :
1033 0 0 defined $hide ? :
1042 0 0 if ($obj->isDefined($term)) { }
1053 0 0 if exists $rels2hide{$c}
1055 0 0 if $c eq '_NAME_'
1057 0 0 if (exists $$obj{'externals'}{$c}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $$obj{'languages'}{$c}) { }
1060 0 0 if ($desc eq '...') { }
1069 0 0 if ($desc eq '...') { }
1075 0 0 if (defined $limit and $limit != 0 and @termos > $limit)
1079 0 0 if (defined $script)
1081 0 0 if ($link eq '...') { }
1105 11 0 if ($self->isDefined($term)) { }
1144 260 169 if (ref $$thesaurus{$termo}{$classe} eq 'ARRAY')
1150 233 27 if (defined $inverses{$classe})
1175 286 270 if ($obj->isDefined($palavra)) { }
1177 121 165 if (defined $$thesaurus{$t}{$classe})
1182 94 194 if lc $_ eq lc $termo
1189 270 0 unless defined $$thesaurus{$palavra} and defined $$thesaurus{$palavra}{'_NAME_'}
1212 0 15 unless $obj->isDefined($term)
1216 13 2 if ($rterm) { }
1217 0 13 if (exists $$obj{'externals'}{$rel}) { }
1218 0 0 if grep {$_ eq $rterm;} @{$$obj{$$obj{'baselang'}}{$term}{$rel};}
1221 5 8 if grep {$_ eq $rterm;} @{$$obj{$$obj{'baselang'}}{$term}{$rel};}
1224 1 1 if exists $$obj{$$obj{'baselang'}}{$term}{$rel}
1236 0 4 unless defined $$obj{'descriptions'}{$rel}
1239 0 4 unless ($obj->isDefined($term))
1245 1 3 if (exists $$obj{'externals'}{$rel}) { }
1252 7 0 unless $obj->isDefined($_)
1265 3 3 if (@terms) { }
1269 4 0 if (exists $$self{'inverses'}{$rel})
1274 1 2 if (exists $$self{'externals'}{$rel}) { }
1278 1 1 unless @terms
1291 0 9 unless $obj->isDefined($term)
1294 8 1 if ($oterm) { }
1296 0 8 if exists $$obj{'externals'}{$rel}
1315 0 1 unless defined $term
1317 1 0 if (defined $$obj{$$obj{'baselang'}}{$term}) { }
1326 0 1 if (ref $$obj{$$obj{'baselang'}}{$t}{$c} eq 'ARRAY')
1328 0 0 unless $_ eq $term
1342 0 0 unless ref $handler eq 'HASH'
1347 0 0 unless @tl
1353 0 0 if (defined $$handler{'_NAME_'})
1360 0 0 defined $$self{'order'} ? :
0 0 defined $$handler{-'order'} ? :
1366 0 0 unless $$self{$$self{'baselang'}}{$t}{$c}
1367 0 0 if $c eq '_NAME_'
1377 0 0 if ($$self{'languages'}{$rel}) { }
1388 0 0 if (exists $$handler{$rel}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $$handler{-'default'}) { }
1397 0 0 if (exists $$handler{'-eachTerm'}) { }
1399 0 0 $ans ? :
1405 0 0 if (defined $$handler{-'end'})
1429 1 0 unless ref $rel
1437 1 3 if (keys %$h) { }
1453 0 0 unless ref $rel
1462 0 0 if (keys %$h)
1478 0 9 if exists $$vis{$_}
1480 9 0 unless $r{$_}
1498 0 0 if ($op)