Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 158 180 87.7

line true false branch
232 2 1 if $books_cb
233 2 1 if $verses_cb
346 4 18 unless $name
351 1 17 unless $bible
371 5 0 $1 == 4 ? :
20 5 $1 == 3 ? :
140 25 $1 == 2 ? :
140 165 $1 == 1 ? :
305 881 $book_str =~ s/^(\d)\s//u ? :
396 1181 189 if length $unique >= $self->minimum_book_length and !@prefix && scalar grep({index($_, $unique) == 0;} @$canonical) == 1 || @prefix && scalar grep({index($_, $prefix[-1] . ' ' . $unique) == 0;} @$canonical) == 1
410 1676 4377 @prefix ? :
466 0 213 if $start == 0
467 0 213 if $stop == 0
471 11 202 if $x < $start
478 77 112 $start =~ s/(\d+)://u ? :
479 19 170 $stop =~ s/(\d+)://u ? :
481 1 111 if (not $start_ch and $stop_ch and $start > $stop_ch)
489 2 7 if ($start_ch and $stop_ch and $start and $stop and $start_ch == $stop_ch)
490 1 1 if ($start <= $stop) { }
505 101 88 if (not $start_ch || $stop_ch) { }
71 17 elsif ($start_ch and not $stop_ch) { }
10 7 elsif (not $start_ch and $stop_ch) { }
7 0 elsif ($start_ch and $stop_ch) { }
520 4 2 if ($start >= $stop and $stop > $start_ch and not $skip_chapter_assumption_check)
525 4 67 $stop_ch ? :
551 3 4 if ($start_ch >= $stop_ch)
556 11 13 $reversed ? :
562 3 4 $stop_ch - $start_ch > 1 ? :
580 0 185 unless $compress
586 0 25 unless @input
589 1 24 $self->require_book_ucfirst ? :
1 24 $self->require_verse_match ? :
596 1 24 $self->require_book_ucfirst ? :
603 176 341 unless $ref
609 129 212 $ref =~ s/^((?i:\W|\bdna\b|\bro\b|&)+)//u ? :
618 341 155918 if ($ref =~ /$_->[0]/u)
630 164 177 if ($ref =~ /([\d:,;\s\-]+)$/u)
639 152 1266 if $s eq ":" or $d <= $last_d
641 735 683 if ($verse_context) { }
645 136 599 unless @{$numbers->[-1];} > 1
649 735 683 $verse_context ? :
651 136 1282 if $s eq ":"
652 23 1395 if $s eq ";"
656 340 1 if (@$numbers or not $self->require_chapter_match) { }
657 164 176 if @$numbers
668 340 517 ref $_ ? :
681 4 0 wantarray ? :
685 19 0 if ($data or not $self->_cache->{'data'} or not $self->_cache->{'sorting'} && $self->_cache->{'sorting'} == $self->sorting && $self->_cache->{'acronyms'} && $self->_cache->{'acronyms'} == $self->acronyms)
699 214 450 ref $_ ? :
701 174 921 ref $_ ? :
921 0 ref $_ ? :
714 3 56 if $self->add_detail
716 23 20 if (ref $_->[1]) { }
730 58 1 if ($self->sorting)
732 196 215 unless $_->[1]
748 330 597 if @verses
755 126 132 if @$chapters
765 1 58 if ($self->acronyms)
772 2 57 if $self->simplify
774 4 0 if (my $chapters = $_->[1])
779 18 0 if $chapter->[1] and join(",", @{$chapter->[1];}) eq join(",", 1 .. $self->_bible_data->{'lengths'}{$book}[$chapter->[0] - 1] || 0)
785 2 2 if join(",", map({$_->[0];} grep({@$_ == 1;} @$chapters))) eq join(",", 1 .. scalar @{$self->_bible_data->{'lengths'}{$book};})
795 1 58 wantarray ? :
806 66 11 unless $_->[1]
810 0 1 wantarray ? :
817 74 124 if (@range)
825 112 390 if (not $last or $last + 1 != $item) { }
837 86 0 wantarray ? :
847 72 98 if ($_->[1]) { }
851 27 52 if (@buffer)
860 70 406 if ($_->[1]) { }
861 11 59 if ($type eq 'verses') { }
11 48 elsif ($type eq 'runs') { }
11 37 elsif ($type eq 'chapters') { }
876 208 198 if ($type eq 'books') { }
885 42 30 if ($type eq 'books') { }
902 0 1 wantarray ? :
907 0 1 wantarray ? :
912 0 1 wantarray ? :
917 43 8 wantarray ? :
926 40 56 ref $_ ? :
930 1 1 @text > 1 && !wantarray ? :
0 2 @text > 1 && wantarray ? :
935 0 3 unless $bible and not ref $bible and length $bible > 0
937 1 2 unless $book_data and ref $book_data eq "ARRAY"
941 0 40 unless ref $_ eq "ARRAY" and not ref $_->[0] and length $_->[0] > 0 and not ref $_->[1] and length $_->[1] > 0
948 0 1 if ($verse_data) { }
962 1 0 if $bible
967 1 1 unless @books
985 1 0 if $bibles->[0]{'count'} != $bibles->[-1]{'count'}