Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 76 101 75.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
394 2372 3 1367 length $unique >= $self->minimum_book_length and !@prefix && scalar grep({index($_, $unique) == 0;} @$canonical) == 1 || @prefix && scalar grep({index($_, $prefix[-1] . ' ' . $unique) == 0;} @$canonical) == 1
479 68 99 11 not $start_ch and $stop_ch
167 10 1 not $start_ch and $stop_ch and $start > $stop_ch
487 109 60 9 $start_ch and $stop_ch
169 0 9 $start_ch and $stop_ch and $start
60 0 9 $start_ch and $stop_ch and $start and $stop
0 7 2 $start_ch and $stop_ch and $start and $stop and $start_ch == $stop_ch
503 10 7 62 $start_ch and not $stop_ch
7 0 10 not $start_ch and $stop_ch
0 0 7 $start_ch and $stop_ch
518 56 1 5 $start >= $stop and $stop > $start_ch
57 1 4 $start >= $stop and $stop > $start_ch and not $skip_chapter_assumption_check
676 0 0 0 $self->_cache->{'sorting'} && $self->_cache->{'sorting'} == $self->sorting && $self->_cache->{'acronyms'} && $self->_cache->{'acronyms'} == $self->acronyms
900 0 1 0 @text > 1 && wantarray
0 0 1 @text > 1 && !wantarray
905 1 0 3 $bible and not ref $bible
1 0 3 $bible and not ref $bible and length $bible > 0
907 1 0 2 $book_data and ref $book_data eq "ARRAY"
911 0 1 40 ref $_ eq "ARRAY" and not ref $_->[0]
1 0 40 ref $_ eq "ARRAY" and not ref $_->[0] and length $_->[0] > 0
1 0 40 ref $_ eq "ARRAY" and not ref $_->[0] and length $_->[0] > 0 and not ref $_->[1]
0 0 40 ref $_ eq "ARRAY" and not ref $_->[0] and length $_->[0] > 0 and not ref $_->[1] and length $_->[1] > 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
346 18 0 $name || ''
597 165 8 $string // ""
633 1015 159 $2 || ''
684 39 17 $data //= [map({grep {ref $_;} @$_;} @{$self->_data;})]
709 66 1 $self->_bible_data->{'lengths'}{$book}[$_->[0] - 1] || 0
15 67 $_->[1] //= [1 .. $self->_bible_data->{'lengths'}{$book}[$_->[0] - 1] || 0]
731 121 908 $$dedup{$chapter->[0]} //= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
394 876 493 1 !@prefix && scalar grep({index($_, $unique) == 0;} @$canonical) == 1 || @prefix && scalar grep({index($_, $prefix[-1] . ' ' . $unique) == 0;} @$canonical) == 1
459 0 2 0 $params{'bible'} || $self->_bible
503 69 10 99 $start_ch || $stop_ch
635 127 16 1031 $s eq ":" or $d <= $last_d
676 39 1 16 $data or not $self->_cache->{'data'}
40 16 0 $data or not $self->_cache->{'data'} or not $self->_cache->{'sorting'} && $self->_cache->{'sorting'} == $self->sorting && $self->_cache->{'acronyms'} && $self->_cache->{'acronyms'} == $self->acronyms
795 83 26 384 not $last or $last + 1 != $item