Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 42 35.7

line true false branch
36 1 1 if ($class eq 'lang') { }
1 0 elsif (not $class) { }
68 1 0 unless @$runs != 1 or not $runs->[0] =~ /\w\s*\d/u
77 0 1 if $result->dom->at("div.content-section")
84 0 1 unless $html
89 0 1 unless $ref_display and $ref_display->text
92 0 1 if $dom->at("div.translation div.dropdown-display-text")->text eq "Expanded Bible"
108 0 1 if $_ = $block->find("div.poetry > h2")->first
129 0 1 if ($footnotes)
145 1 0 if ($crossrefs)
200 0 8 if ($_->attr('class') eq 'footnote') { }
8 0 elsif ($_->attr('class') eq 'crossreference') { }
203 0 0 $$footnotes{$_->attr('data-fn')} ? :
210 8 0 $$crossrefs{$_->attr('data-cr')} ? :
249 0 0 if ($_->child_nodes->size) { }
253 0 0 $_->following_nodes->size ? :
0 0 $_->find('td text')->map('text')->last =~ /\W$/u ? :
0 0 $_->following_nodes->size ? :
273 0 0 if $_->next and $_->next->tag eq "li"
306 0 0 if ($_->previous->attr("level") eq $_->attr("level"))
314 0 1 if $block->at("p") and not $block->at("p")->at("verse_number")