Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 52 58 89.6

line true false branch
30 91 118 if ('tag' eq shift @$node) { }
34 15 76 if %$attr
39 80 11 if @$children
42 98 20 if $node->[0] ne "\n\n"
49 91 98 if ($node->{'tag'}) { }
50 80 11 if ($node->{'children'}) { }
52 15 65 $node->{'attr'} ? :
62 80 0 $node->{'children'} ? :
143 3 0 if ($self->wrap_at)
146 12 36 if (s/
//u) { }
170 0 4 if $1
179 44 14 if (not @obml && length $line && length $obml[-1]) { }
186 3 11 if (length $last_line_indent == 0 and length $this_line_indent == 0) { }
235 11 11 if ($input)
236 3 8 if (ref $input) { }
239 6 66 if ($node->{'tag'} and $node->{'children'} and $node->{'tag'} eq 'crossref' || $node->{'tag'} eq 'footnote')
249 72 99 if ($node->{'children'})
284 1 2 if $want eq "data" and $self->_load->{'data'}
286 10 0 unless ($self->_load->{'canonical'}{$want})
287 4 6 if ($self->_load->{'html'}) { }
2 4 elsif ($self->_load->{'data'}) { }
4 0 elsif ($self->_load->{'obml'}) { }
290 1 3 if ($want eq 'obml') { }
3 0 elsif ($want eq 'data' or $want eq 'html') { }
297 2 1 if $want eq "html"
304 1 1 if $want eq "obml"
309 1 3 if ($want eq 'obml') { }
1 2 elsif ($want eq 'data') { }
320 2 8 $want eq 'data' ? :