Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 56 78.5

line true false branch
17 93 37 defined $fieldsref ? :
20 93 0 unless ($field =~ /^_/)
25 93 37 if (defined $type)
38 34 17 if (@_)
47 2 0 if (@_)
51 0 2 $self->parse_ok ? :
56 28 37 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
69 58 32 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
83 195 137 if (scalar @_ == 2) { }
91 136 1 if (not exists $self->{'_fieldnums'}{$field})
104 0 91 if ($field =~ /author|editor/i) { }
140 0 33 if (@_) { }
141 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
147 0 0 unless (scalar @names)
156 0 0 if (ref $param eq 'BibTeX::Author') { }
166 17 16 unless (defined $$self{"_$type"})
213 36 0 if (@_)
221 36 3 if (@_)
231 14 1 unless (exists $options{'canonize_names'})
239 3 12 if ($options{'print_pre'})
243 3 12 if (exists $options{'type_capitalization'})
244 1 2 if ($options{'type_capitalization'} eq "Lowercase")
247 1 2 if ($options{'type_capitalization'} eq "Titlecase")
255 14 1 if ($field eq "author" and $options{'canonize_names'})
259 8 1 if ($field eq "editor" and $options{'canonize_names'})
263 15 58 if (exists $options{'field_capitalization'})
264 5 10 if ($options{'field_capitalization'} eq "Uppercase")
267 5 10 if ($options{'field_capitalization'} eq "Titlecase")