Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 43 60 71.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
182 38 0 7 $_rule->{'ex'} == 6 and $_account_number->{'a'} =~ /^[4|5|6|7|8]$/
38 5 2 $_rule->{'ex'} == 6 and $_account_number->{'a'} =~ /^[4|5|6|7|8]$/ and $_account_number->{'g'} == $_account_number->{'h'}
196 42 0 1 $_rule->{'ex'} == 7 and $_account_number->{'g'} == 9
220 2 0 3 $_ab eq '09' || $_ab eq '99' and $_account_number->{'g'} == 9
253 0 0 1 defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} =~ /^6$/
0 0 1 defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} =~ /^6$/ and $self->{'multi_rule'}
305 28 0 6 $_rule->{'ex'} == 5 and $1 == 11
513 0 21 12 defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} =~ /^2|10|12$/
21 3 9 defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} =~ /^2|10|12$/ and $self->{'last_check'} == 1
0 21 3 defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} =~ /^9|11|13$/
21 0 3 defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} =~ /^9|11|13$/ and $self->{'last_check'} == 1
21 0 3 defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} =~ /^9|11|13$/ and $self->{'last_check'} == 1 and $self->{'attempt'} == 2
0 6 15 defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} =~ /^5|6$/
6 10 5 defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} =~ /^5|6$/ and $self->{'last_check'} == 0
0 13 3 defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} == 0
13 0 3 defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} == 0 and $self->{'last_check'} == 1
547 0 0 35 defined $sc and $sc =~ /^\d+$/
551 17808 21647 60 $sc >= $_->{'start'} and $sc <= $_->{'end'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
220 2 1 2 $_ab eq '09' || $_ab eq '99'
513 9 3 21 defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} =~ /^2|10|12$/ and $self->{'last_check'} == 1 or defined $self->{'last_ex'} and $self->{'last_ex'} =~ /^9|11|13$/ and $self->{'last_check'} == 1 and $self->{'attempt'} == 2