Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 7 15 46.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
72 5 3 1 @ordered_friendly_neighbors > 0 and $dangerous_neighbor
91 0 0 1 $supporter_nation ne $actor->name and $self->world->diplomacy_status($actor->name, $supporter_nation) ne 'HATE'
0 0 1 $supporter_nation ne $actor->name and $self->world->diplomacy_status($actor->name, $supporter_nation) ne 'HATE' and not $self->world->exists_treaty($actor->name, $supporter_nation)
103 0 0 1 $all ne $actor->name and $self->world->diplomacy_status($actor->name, $all) ne 'HATE'
0 0 1 $all ne $actor->name and $self->world->diplomacy_status($actor->name, $all) ne 'HATE' and not $self->world->exists_treaty($actor->name, $all)