Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 74 0.0

line true false branch
107 0 0 if $config->{'schemas'}
111 0 0 if $config->{'file'}
120 0 0 if ($data) { }
0 0 elsif (not $self->{'quiet'}) { }
175 0 0 if $self->previously_not_found($uri)
184 0 0 if ($dok)
189 0 0 if ($fok)
192 0 0 if $@
211 0 0 if (time < $when + $sttl) { }
233 0 0 unless ($file and $file->exists or $dir->exists)
238 0 0 if ($file and $file->exists)
240 0 0 if $@
254 0 0 if ($more = $schema->{'tree_type'})
256 0 0 if ($more eq 'none') { }
0 0 elsif ($binder = $self->tree_binder($more)) { }
269 0 0 if ($do_tree) { }
275 0 0 if ($dir->exists)
311 0 0 unless $file->name =~ /$self->{'match_ext'}/
345 0 0 if $@
349 0 0 if ($binder) { }
390 0 0 if ($last) { }
393 0 0 if ($tail) { }
397 0 0 if ($tref eq 'HASH' and $cref eq 'HASH') { }
440 0 0 if ($key =~ s[^/][]) { }
0 0 elsif (length $base) { }
470 0 0 $base ? :
471 0 0 if ($opt)
486 0 0 if ($option eq 'absolute') { }
0 0 elsif ($option eq 'relative') { }
488 0 0 unless $uri =~ m[^/]
516 0 0 if $@
525 0 0 @_ ? :
537 0 0 if ($file->exists)
602 0 0 if ($schema)
617 0 0 if ($data and ref $data eq "HASH")
637 0 0 if (defined $item) { }
647 0 0 if exists $self->{'data'}{$name}