Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 30 90.0

line true false branch
104 1 9 if $self->backpan_index->should_index_be_updated
112 0 10 if -e $db_file and $should_update_db
114 1 9 if $should_update_db
116 1 9 if $should_update_db or $self->_database_is_empty
167 2 1161017 if ($files{$path}++)
172 1 1161016 if (not defined $path && defined $date && defined $size or @junk)
177 1578 1159438 unless $size
178 531529 627909 if $only_authors and not $path =~ m[^authors/]
182 378386 249523 if $path =~ /\.(readme|meta)$/
187 13589 235934 unless $i->dist
204 39512 196422 if (not defined $$distdata{'first_release'} or $date < $$distdata{'first_date'})
212 206259 29675 if (not defined $$distdata{'latest_release'} or $date > $$distdata{'latest_date'})
247 0 9 unless $self->files->count
248 0 9 unless $self->releases->count
274 9 2 unless defined $dist