Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 24 83.3

line true false branch
64 3 9103 defined $_[0] ? :
65 0 9106 if $$ != $_pid
83 11 8951 unless defined $self->{'oid'}
84 1 8961 unless length $self->oid == 12
155 0 11 unless &looks_like_number($epoch)
158 4 4 if defined $fill and &looks_like_number($fill) and $fill == 0
160 1 10 unless @_ == 2 or length $fill == 8
163 7 3 defined $fill ? :
167 4 6 if (ref $self) { }
187 14 17805 defined $self->{'_hex'} ? :
214 0 25 unless $ENV{'BSON_EXTJSON'}
224 0 8 if $swap