Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 38 93 40.8

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
492 9145 65 $_[0] eq "${_}::" and return !1
905 831255 0 exists $condition->{$_} and not $op->can($_) and next

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
120 37445 2641 8452 $name eq 'null' && $targ
137 0 0 35010 ref $op and $$op
0 4424 30586 ref $op and $$op and $op->flags & 4
173 0 0 8 $] >= 5.021002 and exists &B::OP::parent
174 1 0 91 $parent && ref $parent ne 'B::NULL'
272 0 0 0 defined $siblings[-1] && ${$siblings[-1];}
0 0 0 @siblings and not defined $siblings[-1] && ${$siblings[-1];}
383 0 0 0 @_ == 1 && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
394 0 0 0 !defined($recursion_limit) || $recursion_limit > 0 and ref $op
0 0 0 !defined($recursion_limit) || $recursion_limit > 0 and ref $op and $$op
0 0 0 !defined($recursion_limit) || $recursion_limit > 0 and ref $op and $$op and $op->flags & 4
536 0 2773 3515 $cv->can('PADLIST') and $cv->PADLIST->can('ARRAY')
2773 5 3510 $cv->can('PADLIST') and $cv->PADLIST->can('ARRAY') and $cv->PADLIST->ARRAY->can('ARRAY')
551 0 0 6288 my $start = $cv->START and my $root = $cv->ROOT
605 0 49092 5850 ref $op and $op->isa('B::COP')
554 48538 0 not $op->isa('B::NULL') and $op->oldname =~ /^(next|db)state$/
630 0 334 15 ref $maybe_root and $maybe_root->isa('B::OP')
669 0 554 55417 ref $op and $$op
554 28618 26799 ref $op and $$op and $op->flags & 4
675 0 26799 54674 ref $kid and $$kid
862 0 554 55417 ref $op and $$op
884 0 0 0 $op->can($_) || (next) and warn "${_}: " . $op->$_ . "\n"
905 775838 55417 0 exists $condition->{$_} and not $op->can($_)
941 0 0 0 $_ eq $val and $okay = 1, last

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
66 0 8 $B::Utils1::TRACE_FH ||= \*STDOUT
386 0 0 $attribs ||= ['name', 'flags']
884 0 0 $op->can($_) || (next)
932 0 0 $_ ne $val or next CONDITION

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
209 222 0 8163 $op->sibling->_parent_impl($target, "$cx$$op S ") || ($cx =~ /^(?:-?\d+ S )*(?:-?\d+ N )*$/ ? $op->next->_parent_impl($target, "$cx$$op N ") : ()) || ($op->can('first') ? $op->first->_parent_impl($target, "$cx$$op F ") : ())
394 0 0 0 !defined($recursion_limit) || $recursion_limit > 0
890 0 0 0 defined $op or wantarray