Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 10 34 29.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
210 32 0 22 $s =~ s/^"// and $s =~ s/"$//
420 0 0 0 $debug and $comment
422 202 0 0 $debug and not $comment
202 0 0 $debug and not $comment and $insn =~ /_flags/
442 0 0 0 $_[1] eq '0' and not $_[0] =~ /^(?:ldsv|stsv|newsvx?|newpad.*|av_pushx?|av_extend|xav_flags)$/
444 0 0 0 $_[1] eq '1' and $] > 5.007
0 0 0 $_[1] eq '1' and $] > 5.007 and $_[0] =~ /^(?:sv_refcnt)$/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
102 81 0 $_[1] || 4294967295
103 81 0 $_[2] || 'ix'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
48 8 8 145 $val < $lo or $hi < $val
211 1 0 0 $unesc{$1} || $1
302 0 0 0 $s == 4 or $s == 8