Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 5 1932 0.2

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
3726 0 0 $sv_flags && 255

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
20 0 55 0 keys %Config and exists $Config{'usecperl'}
93 0 0 0 $typename eq 'SV' and $] > 5.009005
0 0 0 $typename eq 'SV' and $] > 5.009005 and $] < 5.012
0 0 0 $typename eq 'SV' and $] > 5.009005 and $] < 5.012 and not $C99
120 0 0 0 $B::C::debug{'flags'} and $section->[-1]{'dbg'}
129 0 0 0 not exists $sym->{$1} and $1 ne 's\\_0'
140 0 0 0 $dodbg and $section->[-1]{'dbg'}[$i]
201 0 0 0 not $nosplit and $section->{'count'} >= $section->{'max_lines'}
399 55 0 0 $Config{'usecperl'} and $] >= 5.022002
581 0 0 0 $DynaLoader::dl_debug and not -f $file
713 0 0 0 $op->can('name') and $op->name eq 'padsv'
716 0 0 0 $pad[$op->targ] and $pad[$op->targ]->can('PV')
720 0 0 0 ref $op eq 'B::PMOP' and $op->pmreplroot->can('sv')
725 0 0 0 $op->name eq 'const' and $op->flags & 64
734 0 0 0 $sv and $$sv
769 0 0 0 $pad[$op->targ] and $pad[$op->targ]->can('PV')
777 0 0 0 $] >= 5.017008 && $_[0]->FLAGS & 268435456
780 0 0 0 IsCOW($_[0]) && !$_[0]->LEN
840 0 0 0 not $PERL56 and utf8::is_utf8($s)
858 0 0 0 $PERL518 and $name
861 0 0 0 @isa and exists do { $name . '::' }->{'ISA'}
922 0 0 0 defined $max_string_len and $cur > $max_string_len
972 0 0 0 $rok and not $PERL56
986 0 0 0 $sv && $sv->can('CUR') && ref $sv ne 'B::GV'
988 0 0 0 $] < 5.008008 and $cur > 100
0 0 0 $] < 5.008008 and $cur > 100 and $fullname =~ / :pad\[0\]/
0 0 0 $] < 5.008008 and $cur > 100 and $fullname =~ / :pad\[0\]/ and $pv =~ /\0\0/
998 0 0 0 $gmg and $fullname
1000 0 0 0 $fullname && ref $fullname
1011 0 0 0 $fullname and $fullname =~ / :pad/ || $fullname =~ /^DynaLoader/ && $pv =~ /^boot_/
1014 0 0 0 $static and $pv =~ /::bootstrap$/
1015 0 0 0 $static and $] > 5.017
0 0 0 $static and $] > 5.017 and ref $sv eq 'B::PVMG'
1016 0 0 0 $static and $const_strings
0 0 0 $static and $const_strings and $fullname
0 0 0 $static and $const_strings and $fullname and $fullname =~ /^warnings::(Dead)?Bits/ || $fullname =~ /::AUTOLOAD$/
1018 0 0 0 $shared_hek and $pok
0 0 0 $shared_hek and $pok and not $cur
1023 0 0 0 $static and $PERL510
1024 0 0 0 $] < 5.02 and $fullname =~ /(^svop const|::VERSION)$/
0 0 0 $] < 5.022 and $flags & 1
1047 0 0 0 $static and $] < 5.017006
0 0 0 $static and $] < 5.017006 and not $pv =~ /^0?$/
1051 0 0 0 $const_strings and ref $sv eq 'B::PVMG'
0 0 0 $const_strings and ref $sv eq 'B::PVMG' and $flags & 4194304
0 0 0 $const_strings and ref $sv eq 'B::PVMG' and $flags & 4194304 and $fullname =~ /ISA/
1058 0 0 0 $iscow and $PERL518
1101 0 0 0 $iscow and $cur
0 0 0 $iscow and $cur and $PERL518
1131 0 0 0 $dynamic and not length $str
0 0 0 $dynamic and not length $str and not @_
0 0 0 $dynamic and not length $str and not @_ and not $fullname =~ /unopaux_item.* const/
1137 0 0 0 $dynamic and defined $hektable{$hek_key}
1140 0 0 0 not $dynamic and defined $statichektable{$hek_key}
1261 0 0 0 $nvx =~ /^NaN/i and $Config{'d_isnan'} || $] < 5.012
1483 0 0 0 $op->type > 0 and $op->name eq 'entersub'
0 0 0 $op->type > 0 and $op->name eq 'entersub' and $op->first
0 0 0 $op->type > 0 and $op->name eq 'entersub' and $op->first and $op->first->can('name')
0 0 0 $op->type > 0 and $op->name eq 'entersub' and $op->first and $op->first->can('name') and $op->first->name eq 'pushmark'
0 0 0 $op->type > 0 and $op->name eq 'entersub' and $op->first and $op->first->can('name') and $op->first->name eq 'pushmark' and $op->first->next->name eq 'const' && $op->first->next->flags == 34 || $op->first->next->name eq 'padsv' || $] < 5.01 && $op->first->next->name eq 'gvsv' && !$op->first->next->type && $op->first->next->next->name eq 'const' && $op->first->next->next->flags == 34
1493 0 0 0 $] < 5.01 and not $op->first->next->type
1498 0 0 0 $pv and not $pv =~ /[! \(]/
1511 0 0 0 $have_sibparent and not $op->moresib
1513 0 0 0 $verbose and $debug{'op'}
1556 0 0 0 $PERL510 and not $type
0 0 0 $PERL510 and not $type and $OP_COP{$op->targ}
1570 0 0 0 $ITHREADS and $] >= 5.017
0 0 0 $ITHREADS and $] >= 5.016
0 0 0 $ITHREADS and $] >= 5.015004
1672 0 0 0 $mo and $$mo
1674 0 0 0 $op->name eq 'const' && $op->flags & 64
0 0 0 $op->flags & 4 and not $op->name eq 'const' && $op->flags & 64
1693 0 0 0 $op->name eq 'method' and $op->first
0 0 0 $op->name eq 'method' and $op->first and $op->first->name eq 'const'
1695 0 0 0 not $method and $ITHREADS
1698 0 0 0 $debug{'pkg'} and $ITHREADS
1876 0 0 0 $] >= 5.019003 and $op->name eq 'Devel_Peek_Dump' || $op->name eq 'Dump'
1934 0 0 0 $op->type == $OP_FORMLINE and $const_strings
1949 0 0 0 $svop != $op and ref $svop ne 'B::NULL'
1950 0 0 0 $svop->name eq 'const' and $svop->can('sv')
1953 0 0 0 $sv and $sv->can('PV')
0 0 0 $sv and $sv->can('PV') and $sv->PV
0 0 0 $sv and $sv->can('PV') and $sv->PV and $sv->PV =~ /~/m
2040 0 0 0 not $C99 and $first eq 'Nullsv'
2077 0 0 0 $debug{'pkg'} and not grep({$p eq $_;} @package_pv)
2136 0 0 0 $op->can('name') and $op->name eq 'padsv' || $op->name eq 'method_named' || ref $op eq 'B::SVOP'
2140 0 0 0 $cv and ref $cv->PADLIST eq 'B::SPECIAL'
2141 0 0 0 $cv && ref $cv eq 'B::CV' && ref $cv->PADLIST ne 'B::NULL'
2148 0 0 0 defined $t and ref $t ne 'B::SPECIAL'
2151 0 0 0 ref $t eq 'B::PVMG' && ref $t->SvSTASH ne 'B::SPECIAL'
2165 0 0 0 $op->can('name') and $op->name eq 'padsv'
2170 0 0 0 ref $op eq 'B::PMOP' and $op->pmreplroot->can('sv')
2173 0 0 0 $op->name eq 'const' and $op->flags & 34
2179 0 0 0 $sv and $$sv
2206 0 0 0 $op and ref $op ne 'B::COP'
0 0 0 $op and ref $op ne 'B::COP' and ref $op ne 'B::NULL'
2207 0 0 0 $op && ref $op eq 'B::COP'
2225 0 0 0 $op->name eq 'aelemfast' and $op->flags & 128
0 0 0 $op->name eq 'gv' and $op->next
0 0 0 $op->name eq 'gv' and $op->next and $op->next->name eq 'rv2cv'
0 0 0 $op->name eq 'gv' and $op->next and $op->next->name eq 'rv2cv' and $op->next->next
0 0 0 $op->name eq 'gv' and $op->next and $op->next->name eq 'rv2cv' and $op->next->next and $op->next->next->name eq 'defined'
2256 0 0 0 $MULTI and svimmortal($svsym)
2278 0 0 0 $op->name eq 'gv' and $op->next
0 0 0 $op->name eq 'gv' and $op->next and $op->next->name eq 'rv2cv'
0 0 0 $op->name eq 'gv' and $op->next and $op->next->name eq 'rv2cv' and $op->next->next
0 0 0 $op->name eq 'gv' and $op->next and $op->next->name eq 'rv2cv' and $op->next->next and $op->next->next->name eq 'defined'
2292 0 0 0 $sv and $$sv
2294 0 0 0 $skip_defined and not $name =~ /^DynaLoader::/
2318 0 0 0 $optimize_cop and $level
0 0 0 $optimize_cop and $level and not $op->label
0 0 0 $optimize_cop and $level and not $op->label and ref $prev_op ne 'B::LISTOP'
2335 0 0 0 $is_special and $$warnings == 4
0 0 0 $is_special and $$warnings == 5
2354 0 0 0 $optimize_warn_sv and $PERL510
2359 0 0 0 $PERL510 && !$is_special
2361 0 0 0 $Config{'usecperl'} and $] >= 5.022002
2368 0 0 0 $ITHREADS and $] >= 5.017
0 0 0 $ITHREADS and $] >= 5.016
0 0 0 $ITHREADS and $] >= 5.015004
0 0 0 $ITHREADS and $] >= 5.015004 and $] < 5.016
2448 0 0 0 $PERL510 and $op->hints_hash
2488 0 0 0 $utf8 and $verbose
2503 0 0 0 $PERL510 and not $is_special
0 0 0 $PERL510 and not $is_special and not $isint
2555 0 0 0 $mainfile eq $op->file and $op->stashpv ne 'main'
2564 0 0 0 $] >= 5.021006 and $pmflags & 1
2582 0 0 0 $] < 5.008008 and $ITHREADS
0 0 0 $] < 5.008008 and $ITHREADS and $$op < 256
2593 0 0 0 $ITHREADS and $op->name eq $pushre
0 0 0 ref $replroot and $$replroot
2629 0 0 0 $code_list and $$code_list
2665 0 0 0 not $MULTI and $op->pmstash
2686 0 0 0 $] >= 5.013009 and $pmflags & 4
2689 0 0 0 $PERL518 and not $swash_init
0 0 0 $PERL518 and not $swash_init and $swash_ToCf
2697 0 0 0 $utf8 and $] >= 5.013009
0 0 0 $utf8 and $] >= 5.013009 and $pmflags & 1
2705 0 0 0 $PERL518 and $op->reflags & 131072
2724 0 0 0 $] >= 5.018 and $op->reflags & 131072
2731 0 0 0 $PERL510 and $op->pmflags & 65536
2792 0 0 0 $debug{'flags'} and !$ITHREADS || $PERL514
0 0 0 $debug{'flags'} and !$ITHREADS || $PERL514 and $DEBUG_LEAKING_SCALARS
2829 0 0 0 $Config{'ptrsize'} == 4 and not &IS_MSVC()
2853 0 0 0 $PERL512 and $svflags & 2048
2861 0 0 0 $svflags & 255 and not $svflags & 4352
2862 0 0 0 $PERL510 and $svflags & 65536
0 0 0 not $PERL510 and $svflags & 256
0 0 0 $] > 5.015002 and $svflags & 393218
2884 0 0 0 $Config{'ptrsize'} == 4 and not &IS_MSVC()
2909 0 0 0 &IS_MSVC() and not $nv
2937 0 0 0 defined $max_string_len and length $pv > $max_string_len
2954 0 0 0 $PERL510 and $sv
0 0 0 $PERL510 and $sv and ($sv->FLAGS & 150994944) == 150994944
2963 0 0 0 not $cstr and $cstr == 0
2966 0 0 0 $sv and IsCOW($sv)
3002 0 0 0 $tmp_pvsym =~ /^hek/ and $static
3025 0 0 0 $tmp_pvsym eq 'NULL' and $pvsym =~ /^hek/
3054 0 0 0 $tmp_pvsym =~ /^hek/ and $static
3071 0 0 0 $tmp_pvsym eq 'NULL' and $pvsym =~ /^hek/
3102 0 0 0 $PERL510 and $C99
0 0 0 $PERL510 and $C99 and not $PERL522
3113 0 0 0 $tmp_pvsym =~ /^hek/ and $static
3141 0 0 0 $tmp_pvsym eq 'NULL' and $pvsym =~ /^hek/
3152 0 0 0 $PERL518 and $sv->FLAGS & 1048576
3159 0 0 0 not $PERL510 and defined $sym
3180 0 0 0 defined $pv && $static
3193 0 0 0 defined $pv and not $in_endav
3224 0 0 0 not $shared_hek and IsCOW_hek($sv) || $len == 0 && $flags & 268435456
3233 0 0 0 $fullname and $fullname eq 'svop const'
0 0 0 $PERL518 and ($fullname and $fullname eq 'svop const')
3243 0 0 0 $const_strings and not $shared_hek
0 0 0 $const_strings and not $shared_hek and $flags & 134217728
0 0 0 $const_strings and not $shared_hek and $flags & 134217728 and not $len
3248 0 0 0 $tmp_pvsym =~ /^hek/ and $static
3257 0 0 0 defined $pv and not $static
0 0 0 $shared_hek and $static
0 0 0 $shared_hek and $static and $pvsym =~ /^hek/
3268 0 0 0 $debug{'flags'} and !$ITHREADS || $PERL514
0 0 0 $debug{'flags'} and !$ITHREADS || $PERL514 and $DEBUG_LEAKING_SCALARS
3281 0 0 0 defined $pv and not $static
3287 0 0 0 $PERL518 and $flags & 1048576
3368 0 0 0 $iv >= 0 and $iv <= 2
3409 0 0 0 $PERL518 and $sv->EXTFLAGS & 131072
3415 0 0 0 $PERL518 and $sv->EXTFLAGS & 131072
3454 0 0 0 $name =~ /encoding$/ and $name =~ /^(ascii|ascii_ctrl|iso8859_1|null)/
0 0 0 $name =~ /encoding$/ and $name =~ /^(ascii|ascii_ctrl|iso8859_1|null)/ and $Encode::VERSION eq '2.58'
0 0 0 $Encode::VERSION ge '2.58' and Encode::find_encoding($name)
0 0 0 defined $Net::DNS::VERSION and $Net::DNS::VERSION =~ /^0\.(6[789]|7[1234])/
3457 0 0 0 $fullname eq '(unknown)' and $ITHREADS
3475 0 0 0 $name and $name =~ /^(ascii|ascii_ctrl|iso8859_1|null)/
0 0 0 $name and $name =~ /^(ascii|ascii_ctrl|iso8859_1|null)/ and $Encode::VERSION gt '2.58'
3489 0 0 0 $enc and ref $enc ne 'Encode::XS'
3494 0 0 0 $enc and ref $enc eq 'Encode::XS'
0 0 0 $enc and ref $enc eq 'Encode::XS' and $sv->IVX == $$enc
3536 0 0 0 $pkg and $name
0 0 0 $pkg and $name and $name =~ /^[a-zA-Z_0-9-]+$/
3563 0 0 0 $] >= 5.011 and ref $sv eq 'B::REGEXP'
3576 0 0 0 !$ITHREADS && $fullname && $fullname =~ /^svop const|^padop|^Encode::Encoding| :pad\[1\]/ || $ITHREADS and $sv->IVX > 65536
0 0 0 !$ITHREADS && $fullname && $fullname =~ /^svop const|^padop|^Encode::Encoding| :pad\[1\]/ || $ITHREADS and $sv->IVX > 65536 and ref $sv->SvSTASH ne 'B::SPECIAL'
3596 0 0 0 $tmp_pvsym =~ /^hek/ and $static
3611 0 0 0 $pvsym =~ /PL_sv_undef/ and $ITHREADS
3621 0 0 0 $tmp_pvsym eq 'NULL' and $pvsym =~ /^hek/
3664 0 0 0 $fullname and $fullname eq '%B::C::'
3668 0 0 0 $debug{'flags'} and $PERL510
0 0 0 $debug{'flags'} and $PERL510 and not $sv->MAGICAL
3677 0 0 0 ref $sv eq 'B::HV' and $] > 5.018
0 0 0 ref $sv eq 'B::HV' and $] > 5.018 and $sv->MAGICAL
0 0 0 ref $sv eq 'B::HV' and $] > 5.018 and $sv->MAGICAL and $fullname =~ /::$/
0 0 0 ref $sv eq 'B::HV' and $] > 5.018
0 0 0 ref $sv eq 'B::HV' and $] > 5.018 and $fullname =~ /(version|File)::$/
3687 0 0 0 $pkg and $$pkg
3693 0 0 0 $fullname eq 'main::STDOUT' and $] >= 5.018
3719 0 0 0 $sv_flags & 134217728 and ref $sv ne 'B::HV'
3723 0 0 0 $PERL510 and not $sv->MAGICAL || $sv_flags & 268435456
3764 0 0 0 $PERL510 and ref $obj eq 'SCALAR'
3772 0 0 0 $ptr and ref $ptr
3847 0 0 0 not $pmop and $verbose
3868 0 0 0 $sv_flags & 134217728 and ref $sv ne 'B::HV'
3888 0 0 0 $flags & 9 and $PERL522
3891 0 0 0 $C99 && is_constant($rv)
3898 0 0 0 $C99 and is_constant($rv)
3909 0 0 0 $sv->RV->isa('B::HV') and $sv->RV->NAME
3966 0 0 0 defined $cvstashname and defined $cvname
4037 0 0 0 defined $cvstashname and defined $cvname
4058 0 0 0 exists do { $cvstashname . '::' }->{'AUTOLOAD'} and grep(($_ eq 'AutoLoader'), @isa)
4076 0 0 0 exists do { $cvstashname . '::' }->{'AUTOLOAD'} and not $PERL510
4104 0 0 0 $cvstashname and exists do { $cvstashname . '::' }->{'AUTOLOAD'}
4106 0 0 0 $cvstashname and exists do { $cvstashname . '::' }->{'CLONE'}
4114 0 0 0 $PERL518 && (!$gv || ref $gv eq 'B::SPECIAL') && $cv->can('NAME_HEK')
4125 0 0 0 $$cv and $debug{'cv'}
4132 0 0 0 $gv and $$gv
4138 0 0 0 $PERL522 and $cvname eq '__ANON__'
4186 0 0 0 not $isconst and $cvxsub
0 0 0 not $isconst and $cvxsub and $cvname ne 'INIT'
4190 0 0 0 $cvname eq 'bootstrap' and not $xsub{$stashname}
4197 0 0 0 not UNIVERSAL::isa($stashname, 'DynaLoader') and $stashname ne 'attributes' || $] >= 5.011
4266 0 0 0 not $isconst and $cvxsub
0 0 0 not $isconst and $cvxsub and $cvname eq 'INIT'
4273 0 0 0 $isconst and $cvxsub
0 0 0 $isconst and $cvxsub and not is_phase_name($cvname)
0 0 0 $isconst and $cvxsub and not is_phase_name($cvname) and $PERL522 && !($CvFLAGS & 262144) && !($CvFLAGS & 16) && !($fullname && $fullname =~ qr/^File::Glob::GLOB/ && $CvFLAGS & 131076) || !($PERL522 || $CvFLAGS & 128)
4295 0 0 0 ref $sv eq 'B::IV' || ref $sv eq 'B::PVMG' and $sv->FLAGS & 2048
4297 0 0 0 $rv->FLAGS & 16640 and $rv->IVX > 65536
4305 0 0 0 $sv and ref $sv
0 0 0 $sv and ref $sv and ref($sv) =~ /^(SCALAR|ARRAY|HASH|CODE|REF)$/
0 0 0 $sv and ref($sv) =~ /^B::[ANRPI]/
4343 0 0 0 not $$root and $] < 5.01
4352 0 0 0 $IO::Socket::SSL::VERSION ge '1.956' and $IO::Socket::SSL::VERSION lt '1.995'
4439 0 0 0 $verbose and $debug{'cv'}
4444 0 0 0 $fullname ne 'threads::tid' and $fullname ne 'main::main::'
0 0 0 $PERL510 and not defined &{"${cvstashname}::AUTOLOAD";}
0 0 0 $fullname ne 'threads::tid' and $fullname ne 'main::main::' and ($PERL510 and not defined &{"${cvstashname}::AUTOLOAD";})
4461 0 0 0 $sv_ix == $svsect->index and not $new_cv_fw
4489 0 0 0 $debug{'cv'} and $debug{'gv'}
4491 0 0 0 $gv and $$gv
4527 0 0 0 $debug{'cv'} and $debug{'gv'}
4532 0 0 0 $debug{'cv'} and $debug{'gv'}
4537 0 0 0 $] > 5.017 and $dyn_padlist || $fullname =~ /^(main::END|main::INIT|Attribute::Handlers)/
4568 0 0 0 $gv and $$gv
0 0 0 $gv and $$gv and $PERL514
4592 0 0 0 IsCOW($cv) and not $cow
4598 0 0 0 $xcv_outside == ${main_cv();} and not $MULTI
4711 0 0 0 $PERL518 and !$gv || ref $gv eq 'B::SPECIAL'
4716 0 0 0 not $PERL56 and $utf8
4729 0 0 0 $gvstash and not $stash
4732 0 0 0 $gvstash and $debug{'cv'}
0 0 0 $gvstash and $debug{'cv'} and $debug{'gv'}
4778 0 0 0 $CPERL52 and $Config{'uselongdouble'}
4786 0 0 0 $] >= 5.017005 and $xcv_outside
0 0 0 $] >= 5.017005 and $xcv_outside and $$padlist
4817 0 0 0 $gv and $$gv
4819 0 0 0 $debug{'cv'} and $debug{'gv'}
4839 0 0 0 $debug{'cv'} and $debug{'gv'}
4843 0 0 0 $const_strings and length $file
4852 0 0 0 $$stash and ref $stash
4860 0 0 0 $cvname eq 'DESTROY' and $] >= 5.017011
4862 0 0 0 $debug{'cv'} and $debug{'gv'}
4865 0 0 0 $magic and $$magic
4880 0 0 0 $PERL510 and $cur
4912 0 0 0 $debug{'gv'} and not $PERL56
4913 0 0 0 $PERL510 and not $PERL5257
0 0 0 $PERL510 and not $PERL5257 and $gv->FLAGS & 1073741824
4937 0 0 0 $filter and $filter =~ / :pad/
4944 0 0 0 $fullname =~ /^threads::(tid|AUTOLOAD)$/ and not $ITHREADS
4948 0 0 0 $PERL518 and $fullname =~ /^DynaLoader::dl_( require_symbols| modules| shared_objects| resolve_using| librefs)/x
4965 0 0 0 not defined $gvname and $is_empty
4970 0 0 0 $] >= 5.008009 && $package eq 'main'
5003 0 0 0 $fullname =~ /^main::STDOUT$/i and $PERL56
5027 0 0 0 $ro_inc and $fullname =~ /^main::([0-9])$/
5051 0 0 0 $PERL510 and $gv->isGV_with_GP
0 0 0 $PERL510 and $gv->isGV_with_GP and not $is_coresym
5054 0 0 0 defined $egvsym and not $egvsym =~ /Null/
0 0 0 $gp and exists $gptable{0 + $gp}
0 0 0 $gp and not $is_empty
0 0 0 $gp and not $is_empty and $gvname =~ /::$/
0 0 0 $gp and not $is_empty
5101 0 0 0 $gvflags > 256 and not $PERL510
5150 0 0 0 $filter and not $filter =~ / :pad/
0 0 0 $filter and not $filter =~ / :pad/ and $filter =~ /^\d+$/
0 0 0 $filter and not $filter =~ / :pad/ and $filter =~ /^\d+$/ and $filter > 0
0 0 0 $filter and not $filter =~ / :pad/ and $filter =~ /^\d+$/ and $filter > 0 and $filter < 64
5155 0 0 0 ref $gv eq 'B::STASHGV' and not $gvname =~ /::$/
5178 0 0 0 $PERL522 and $fullname =~ /^POSIX::M/
5186 0 0 0 $$gvsv and $savefields & 4
5198 0 0 0 $PERL5257 and $gvsv->MAGICAL
5207 0 0 0 $gvname eq 'VERSION' and $xsub{$package}
0 0 0 $gvname eq 'VERSION' and $xsub{$package} and $gvsv->FLAGS & 2048
0 0 0 $gvname eq 'VERSION' and $xsub{$package} and $gvsv->FLAGS & 2048 and not $PERL56
5235 0 0 0 $$gvav and $savefields & 2
5245 0 0 0 $$gvhv and $savefields & 1
5265 0 0 0 $] >= 5.02 and $fullname eq 'Encode::Encoding'
5285 0 0 0 not $$gvcv and $savefields & 8
5292 0 0 0 $package and exists do { "${package}::" }->{'AUTOLOAD'}
5294 0 0 0 $package and exists do { "${package}::" }->{'CLONE'}
5297 0 0 0 $$gvcv and $savefields & 8
0 0 0 $$gvcv and $savefields & 8 and ref $gvcv eq 'B::CV'
0 0 0 $$gvcv and $savefields & 8 and ref $gvcv eq 'B::CV' and ref $gvcv->GV->EGV ne 'B::SPECIAL'
0 0 0 $$gvcv and $savefields & 8 and ref $gvcv eq 'B::CV' and ref $gvcv->GV->EGV ne 'B::SPECIAL' and not skip_pkg($package)
5306 0 0 0 $gvcv->XSUB and $oname ne '__ANON__'
0 0 0 $gvcv->XSUB and $oname ne '__ANON__' and $fullname ne $origname
5313 0 0 0 $package and defined &{"${package}::bootstrap";}
5340 0 0 0 not $xsub{$package} and in_static_core($package, $gvname)
5376 0 0 0 $verbose and $debug{'cv'}
5384 0 0 0 $anyptr and $xsubany > 1000
0 0 0 $xsubany > 1048576 and $xsubany < 4294967040 || $xsubany > 4294967295
5390 0 0 0 $package eq 'POSIX' and $gvname =~ /^is/
0 0 0 $package eq 'List::MoreUtils' and $gvname =~ /_iterator$/
5418 0 0 0 $PERL514 and $cvsym
0 0 0 $PERL514 and $cvsym and not $cvsym =~ /(get_cv|NULL|lexwarn)/
0 0 0 $PERL514 and $cvsym and not $cvsym =~ /(get_cv|NULL|lexwarn)/ and $gv->MAGICAL
5438 0 0 0 $stash and $fullname =~ /::$/
5443 0 0 0 $file ne 'NULL' and not $optimize_cop
5453 0 0 0 $debug{'gv'} and not $ITHREADS
5456 0 0 0 $$gvform and $savefields & 16
5465 0 0 0 $$gvio and $savefields & 32
5467 0 0 0 $fullname =~ /::DATA$/ and $fullname eq 'main::DATA' || $save_data_fh
0 0 0 $fullname =~ /::DATA$/ and not $save_data_fh
5516 0 0 0 $PERL522 and $ispadnamelist
0 0 0 $ispadlist and $] >= 5.021008
0 0 0 $ispadlist and $] >= 5.017006
0 0 0 $ispadlist and $] >= 5.017006 and $] < 5.021008
0 0 0 $ispadlist and $] >= 5.017004
0 0 0 $CPERL52 and $av_init
0 0 0 $CPERL52 and $av_init and $fill > -1
0 0 0 $CPERL52 and $av_init and $fill > -1 and &isAvSTATIC($av) || canAvSTATIC($av, $fullname)
5538 0 0 0 $cv and $cv->OUTSIDE
0 0 0 $cv and $cv->OUTSIDE and ref $cv->OUTSIDE ne 'B::SPECIAL'
0 0 0 $cv and $cv->OUTSIDE and ref $cv->OUTSIDE ne 'B::SPECIAL' and $cv->OUTSIDE->PADLIST
5548 0 0 0 $cv and $cv->OUTSIDE
0 0 0 $cv and $cv->OUTSIDE and ref $cv->OUTSIDE ne 'B::SPECIAL'
0 0 0 $cv and $cv->OUTSIDE and ref $cv->OUTSIDE ne 'B::SPECIAL' and $cv->OUTSIDE->PADLIST
5596 0 0 0 $alloc and $n
5663 0 0 0 $PERL518 and $av->FLAGS & 1048576
5673 0 0 0 $fill > -1 and not $magic =~ /D/
0 0 0 $fill > -1 and not $magic =~ /D/ and not $static_av
5707 0 0 0 $PERL510 and not $ispadlist
5715 0 0 0 $fullname =~ /^(INIT|END)$/ and $values[$i]
0 0 0 $fullname =~ /^(INIT|END)$/ and $values[$i] and ref $array[$i] eq 'B::CV'
5721 0 0 0 $use_svpop_speedup and defined $values[$i]
0 0 0 $use_svpop_speedup and defined $values[$i] and defined $values[$i + 1]
0 0 0 $use_svpop_speedup and defined $values[$i] and defined $values[$i + 1] and defined $values[$i + 2]
0 0 0 $use_svpop_speedup and defined $values[$i] and defined $values[$i + 1] and defined $values[$i + 2] and $values[$i] =~ /^\&sv_list\[(\d+)\]/
0 0 0 $use_svpop_speedup and defined $values[$i] and defined $values[$i + 1] and defined $values[$i + 2] and $values[$i] =~ /^\&sv_list\[(\d+)\]/ and $values[$i + 1] eq '&sv_list[' . ($1 + 1) . ']'
0 0 0 $use_svpop_speedup and defined $values[$i] and defined $values[$i + 1] and defined $values[$i + 2] and $values[$i] =~ /^\&sv_list\[(\d+)\]/ and $values[$i + 1] eq '&sv_list[' . ($1 + 1) . ']' and $values[$i + 2] eq '&sv_list[' . ($1 + 2) . ']'
0 0 0 $use_av_undef_speedup and defined $values[$i]
0 0 0 $use_av_undef_speedup and defined $values[$i] and defined $values[$i + 1]
0 0 0 $use_av_undef_speedup and defined $values[$i] and defined $values[$i + 1] and defined $values[$i + 2]
0 0 0 $use_av_undef_speedup and defined $values[$i] and defined $values[$i + 1] and defined $values[$i + 2] and $values[$i] =~ /^ptr_undef|&PL_sv_undef$/
0 0 0 $use_av_undef_speedup and defined $values[$i] and defined $values[$i + 1] and defined $values[$i + 2] and $values[$i] =~ /^ptr_undef|&PL_sv_undef$/ and $values[$i + 1] =~ /^ptr_undef|&PL_sv_undef$/
0 0 0 $use_av_undef_speedup and defined $values[$i] and defined $values[$i + 1] and defined $values[$i + 2] and $values[$i] =~ /^ptr_undef|&PL_sv_undef$/ and $values[$i + 1] =~ /^ptr_undef|&PL_sv_undef$/ and $values[$i + 2] =~ /^ptr_undef|&PL_sv_undef$/
5730 0 0 0 defined $values[$i + $count + 1] and $values[$i + $count + 1] eq '&sv_list[' . ($1 + $count + 1) . ']'
5745 0 0 0 defined $values[$i + $count + 1] and $values[$i + $count + 1] =~ /^ptr_undef|&PL_sv_undef$/
5858 0 0 0 $max > -1 and not $static_av
5889 0 0 0 $PERL518 and $hv->FLAGS & 268435456
0 0 0 $PERL518 and $hv->FLAGS & 268435456 and length $name
5938 0 0 0 is_using_mro() and mro::get_mro($name) eq 'c3'
0 0 0 $PERL510 and (is_using_mro() and mro::get_mro($name) eq 'c3')
5941 0 0 0 $magic and $magic =~ /c/
5971 0 0 0 $] >= 5.01 and $hv->FLAGS & SVf_OOK()
0 0 0 not $is_stash and ($] >= 5.01 and $hv->FLAGS & SVf_OOK())
5999 0 0 0 $PERL510 && $hv->can('ARRAY_utf8')
6004 0 0 0 $PERL518 and $hv->FLAGS & 1048576
6017 0 0 0 ref $sv eq 'B::RV' and defined objsym($sv)
0 0 0 ref $sv eq 'B::RV' and defined objsym($sv) and $debug{'hv'}
6019 0 0 0 ref $sv eq 'B::GV' and $sv->NAME =~ /::$/
6045 0 0 0 $PERL510 and $] < 5.012
6053 0 0 0 not $swash_ToCf and $fullname =~ /^utf8::SWASHNEW/
0 0 0 not $swash_ToCf and $fullname =~ /^utf8::SWASHNEW/ and $cstring eq '"utf8\\034unicore/To/\\0340"'
0 0 0 not $swash_ToCf and $fullname =~ /^utf8::SWASHNEW/ and $cstring eq '"utf8\\034unicore/To/\\0340"' and $cur == 23
6076 0 0 0 $PERL510 and $name
0 0 0 $PERL510 and $name and is_using_mro()
0 0 0 $PERL510 and $name and is_using_mro() and mro::get_mro($name) eq 'c3'
6124 0 0 0 IsCOW($io) and not $cow
6129 0 0 0 $debug{'sv'} and $] > 5.008
6208 0 0 0 $PERL510 and not $pv_copy_on_grow
0 0 0 $PERL510 and not $pv_copy_on_grow and $cur
6237 0 0 0 defined $fd and $fd == -$i
6284 0 0 0 $io->can('tell') and $tell = $io->tell
6300 0 0 0 $stash and $$stash
6351 0 0 0 $symsect->comment and $verbose
6362 0 0 0 $typename eq 'SV*' and $name =~ /^(?:avco[gw])_(\d+)$/
6427 0 0 0 $] >= 5.021005 and $] < 5.023
6445 0 0 0 %init2_remap and not $HAVE_DLFCN_DLOPEN
6451 0 0 0 $decl->comment and $verbose
6461 0 0 0 $typename eq 'SV*' and $name =~ /^(?:avco[wg])_(\d+)$/
6468 0 0 0 $section->comment and $verbose
6481 0 0 0 $init->comment and $verbose
6484 0 0 0 $init1->comment and $verbose
6488 0 0 0 $init2->comment and $verbose
6575 0 0 0 $PERL510 and &IS_MSVC()
6652 0 0 0 $PERL510 and not $PERL514
6672 0 0 0 $PERL510 and $] < 5.012
0 0 0 $PERL510 and $] < 5.012 and not $C99
6717 0 0 0 $] >= 5.021001 and not $CPERL52
6730 0 0 0 $debug{'flags'} and $DEBUG_LEAKING_SCALARS
6807 0 0 0 $CPERL51 and $^O ne 'MSWin32'
6811 0 0 0 $av_init2 and $B::C::Config::use_declare_independent_comalloc
7234 0 0 0 $] < 5.016 and $ITHREADS
0 0 0 $] < 5.016 and not $ITHREADS
7330 0 0 0 $CPERL51 and $debug{'cv'}
7362 0 0 0 $CPERL51 and $^O ne 'MSWin32'
7402 0 0 0 $verbose and not $skip_package{$c}
7409 0 0 0 $verbose and $xsub{$c}
7423 0 0 0 $stashname eq 'attributes' and $] > 5.011
7427 0 0 0 not exists $xsub{$stashname} and $include_package{$stashname}
7437 0 0 0 exists $xsub{$stashname} and $xsub{$stashname} =~ /^Dynamic/
7445 0 0 0 exists $xsub{$stashname} and $xsub{$stashname} =~ /^Dynamic-/
0 0 0 exists $xsub{$stashname} and $xsub{$stashname} =~ /^Dynamic-/ and $PERL522 || $staticxs
7450 0 0 0 $verbose and $debug{'cv'}
7452 0 0 0 $dl and not $curINC{''}
0 0 0 $xs and not $curINC{''}
7483 0 0 0 exists $xsub{'Coro::State'} and grep {$_ eq 'Coro::State';} @dl_modules
7495 0 0 0 exists $xsub{'EV'} and grep {$_ eq 'EV';} @dl_modules
7505 0 0 0 exists $xsub{$stashname} and $xsub{$stashname} =~ /^Dynamic/
7523 0 0 0 $] >= 5.015003 and $stashfile
7542 0 0 0 $stashname eq 'Cwd' and not $stashfile =~ /Cwd/
7594 0 0 0 $sofile and $verbose
7603 0 0 0 $PERL522 and $staticxs
7669 0 0 0 $ITHREADS and $] > 5.007
7724 0 0 0 not $PERL56 and ${^TAINT}
7884 0 0 0 $debug{'gv'} and $verbose
7889 0 0 0 $package ne 'main' and not $include_package{$package}
7890 0 0 0 $package eq 'main' and $name =~ /^([^\w].*|_\<.*|INC|ARGV|SIG|ENV|BEGIN|main::|!)$/
7895 0 0 0 $$cv and $name eq 'bootstrap'
0 0 0 $$cv and $name eq 'bootstrap' and $cv->XSUB
7900 0 0 0 $$cv and in_static_core($package, $name)
0 0 0 $$cv and in_static_core($package, $name) and ref $cv eq 'B::CV'
0 0 0 $$cv and in_static_core($package, $name) and ref $cv eq 'B::CV' and $cv->XSUB
7942 0 0 0 $prefix eq 'utf8::' and defined $symref->{'SWASHNEW'}
7962 0 0 0 svref_2object(\*$sym)->NAME ne 'main::' and $sym ne '::'
0 0 0 svref_2object(\*$sym)->NAME ne 'main::' and $sym ne '::' and &$recurse($sym)
7975 0 0 0 $debug{'pkg'} and $verbose
7990 0 0 0 $sym ne 'main::' and $sym ne '::'
8010 0 0 0 $verbose and $debug{'pkg'}
8016 0 0 0 exists $include_package{$package} and not $include_package{$package}
0 0 0 exists $include_package{$package} and not $include_package{$package} and $savINC{inc_packname($package)}
8027 0 0 0 not $include_package{$package} and $verbose
0 0 0 not $include_package{$package} and $verbose and $debug{'pkg'}
8111 0 0 0 $DB::deep and $package =~ /^(DB|Term::ReadLine)/
8129 0 0 0 exists $all_bc_deps{$pkg} and $can_delete_pkg
8159 0 0 0 $package eq 'attributes' and $] > 5.011
0 0 0 $package eq 'attributes' and $] > 5.011 and grep {$_ eq 'attributes';} @DynaLoader::dl_modules
8172 0 0 0 $u =~ /^$p\:\:/ and $include_package{$package}
8177 0 0 0 $] > 5.015001 and exists $all_bc_deps{$package}
0 0 0 $] > 5.015001 and exists $all_bc_deps{$package} and not exists $curINC{$incpack}
0 0 0 $] > 5.015001 and exists $all_bc_deps{$package} and not exists $curINC{$incpack} and $savINC{$incpack}
8184 0 0 0 $package =~ /^DynaLoader|XSLoader$/ and $use_xsloader
8196 0 0 0 $cv and $cv->can('FILE')
0 0 0 $cv and $cv->can('FILE') and $cv->FILE
8204 0 0 0 $savINC{''} and exists do { $package . '::' }->{'OVERLOAD'}
0 0 0 $savINC{''} and exists do { $package . '::' }->{'OVERLOAD'} and exists do { $package . '::' }->{'()'}
8233 0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($package, $m) and not $package =~ /^(B::C|version|Regexp|utf8|SelectSaver)$/
8234 0 0 0 $package eq 'utf8' and $m eq 'DESTROY'
8237 0 0 0 $package =~ /^(Errno|Tie::Hash::NamedCapture)$/ and $m eq 'TIEHASH'
8239 0 0 0 $package eq 'Config' and $m =~ /DESTROY|TIEHASH/
8241 0 0 0 $package =~ /^(FileHandle|IO::File|IO::Handle)/ and $m eq 'new'
8247 0 0 0 not $package =~ /^PerlIO/ and can_delete($package)
8289 225 0 0 $package =~ /^DynaLoader|XSLoader$/ and defined $use_xsloader
225 0 0 $package =~ /^DynaLoader|XSLoader$/ and defined $use_xsloader and $use_xsloader == 0
8292 225 0 0 $^O eq 'MSWin32' and $package =~ /^Carp|File::Basename$/
8336 0 0 0 $debug{'pkg'} and $debug{'walk'}
8339 0 0 0 $sym ne 'main::' and $sym ne '::'
0 0 0 $sym ne 'main::' and $sym ne '::' and &$recurse($sym)
8380 0 0 0 @unused > @dumped and $done
8396 0 0 0 $savINC{''} and $fold || exists $savINC{''}
8408 0 0 0 $warnings and exists $dumped_package{'Carp'}
0 0 0 $] >= 5.013005 and ($warnings and exists $dumped_package{'Carp'})
8414 0 0 0 $xsub{'EV'} and $dumped_package{'EV'}
0 0 0 $xsub{'EV'} and $dumped_package{'EV'} and $EV::VERSION le '4.21'
8440 0 0 0 $package =~ /^(Config_git\.pl|$/ and not $dumped_package{'Config'}
0 0 0 $package eq '' and not $include_package{'utf8'}
8457 0 0 0 $debug{'pkg'} and $verbose
8465 0 0 0 $again and $rec_cnt < 2
8472 0 0 0 not exists $curINC{$p} and exists $INC{$p}
8477 0 0 0 $debug{'pkg'} and $verbose
8491 0 0 0 $include_package{$p} and not exists $dumped_package{$p}
0 0 0 $include_package{$p} and not exists $dumped_package{$p} and not $static_core_pkg{$p}
0 0 0 $include_package{$p} and not exists $dumped_package{$p} and not $static_core_pkg{$p} and not $p =~ /^(threads|main|__ANON__|PerlIO)$/
8496 0 0 0 $p eq 'warnings::register' and not $warnings
8556 0 0 0 is_using_mro() and mro::get_mro('main') eq 'c3'
8618 0 0 0 $include_package{$p} and exists do { $p . '::' }->{'ISA'}
0 0 0 $include_package{$p} and exists do { $p . '::' }->{'ISA'} and do { $p . '::' }->{'ISA'}
8621 0 0 0 is_using_mro() and mro::get_mro($p) eq 'c3'
0 0 0 $PERL510 and (is_using_mro() and mro::get_mro($p) eq 'c3')
8626 0 0 0 @saved_isa and $verbose || $debug{'pkg'}
8669 0 0 0 $debug{'pkg'} and $verbose
8739 0 0 0 ref $cvref eq 'B::CV' and $cvref->FILE =~ m[B/C\.pm$]
8986 0 0 0 $opt eq '-' and $arg eq '-'
8993 0 0 0 $opt eq 's' and $arg eq 'taticxs'
9015 0 0 0 $] > 5.008 and eval 'require B::Flags;'
9074 0 0 0 defined $1 && $1 eq 'no-'
9100 0 0 0 $av_init2 and $av_init
9110 0 0 0 $] >= 5.008 and $] < 5.009004 || $MULTI

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
116 0 0 $section->symtable || {}
230 0 0 $section->symtable || {}
311 0 0 eval 'require mro; 1' or die
879 0 0 shift() || 0
3847 0 0 $pmop_ptr || 'undef'
8522 0 0 mro::get_linear_isa($package) || []
8844 0 0 $init_name || 'perl_init'
9123 0 0 $init_name || 'init_module'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
966 0 0 0 IsCOW($sv) || $cow && $PERL518
1009 0 0 0 $const_strings || $iscow || $flags & 134217728
1011 0 0 0 $fullname =~ / :pad/ || $fullname =~ /^DynaLoader/ && $pv =~ /^boot_/
0 0 0 $shared_hek or $fullname and $fullname =~ / :pad/ || $fullname =~ /^DynaLoader/ && $pv =~ /^boot_/
1016 0 0 0 $fullname =~ /^warnings::(Dead)?Bits/ || $fullname =~ /::AUTOLOAD$/
1019 0 0 0 $debug{'pv'} or $debug{'hv'}
1257 0 0 0 $Config{'d_isinf'} or $] < 5.012
1261 0 0 0 $Config{'d_isnan'} || $] < 5.012
1332 0 0 0 $include_package{$pkg_heavy} or exists $savINC{$pkg_heavy}
1483 0 0 0 $op->first->next->name eq 'const' && $op->first->next->flags == 34 || $op->first->next->name eq 'padsv' || $] < 5.01 && $op->first->next->name eq 'gvsv' && !$op->first->next->type && $op->first->next->next->name eq 'const' && $op->first->next->next->flags == 34
1674 0 0 0 $m ne 'first' or $op->flags & 4 and not $op->name eq 'const' && $op->flags & 64
1876 0 0 0 $op->name eq 'Devel_Peek_Dump' || $op->name eq 'Dump'
2077 0 0 0 $debug{'cv'} or $debug{'pkg'} and not grep({$p eq $_;} @package_pv)
2136 0 0 0 $op->name eq 'padsv' || $op->name eq 'method_named' || ref $op eq 'B::SVOP'
2173 0 0 0 $op->flags & 4 or $op->name eq 'const' and $op->flags & 34
0 0 0 $op->flags & 4 or $op->name eq 'const' and $op->flags & 34 or $op->first->can('sv')
2287 0 0 0 $op->name eq 'padsv' or $op->name eq 'gvsv'
0 0 0 $op->name eq 'padsv' or $op->name eq 'gvsv' or $op->name eq 'gv'
2487 0 0 0 $^O =~ /^(MSWin32|AIX)$/ || $ENV{'PERL_DL_NONLAZY'}
2564 0 0 0 $] >= 5.021006 and $pmflags & 1 or $qstr =~ /\\P\{/
2684 0 0 0 $debug{'pv'} or $debug{'gv'}
2697 0 0 0 $utf8 and $] >= 5.013009 and $pmflags & 1 or re_does_swash($qre, $pmflags)
2792 0 0 0 !$ITHREADS || $PERL514
2862 0 0 0 $PERL510 and $svflags & 65536 or not $PERL510 and $svflags & 256
0 0 0 $PERL510 and $svflags & 65536 or not $PERL510 and $svflags & 256 or $] > 5.015002 and $svflags & 393218
2949 0 0 0 $debug{'sv'} or $debug{'pv'}
3120 0 0 0 $sv->FLAGS & 8704 or $PERL522
3224 0 0 0 IsCOW_hek($sv) || $len == 0 && $flags & 268435456
3268 0 0 0 !$ITHREADS || $PERL514
3332 0 0 0 $ix || $len
3405 0 0 0 $debug{'rx'} or $debug{'sv'}
3576 0 0 0 !$ITHREADS && $fullname && $fullname =~ /^svop const|^padop|^Encode::Encoding| :pad\[1\]/ || $ITHREADS
3690 0 0 0 $debug{'mg'} or $debug{'gv'}
3695 0 0 0 not $fullname =~ /::$/ or $stash
3705 0 0 0 $debug{'mg'} or $debug{'gv'}
3723 0 0 0 $sv->MAGICAL || $sv_flags & 268435456
3896 0 0 0 $] > 5.019 or $ITHREADS
3909 0 0 0 ref $sv->RV eq 'B::GV' or $rv =~ /^gv_list/
4058 0 0 0 $cvstashname =~ /^POSIX|Storable|DynaLoader|Net::SSLeay|Class::MethodMaker$/ or exists do { $cvstashname . '::' }->{'AUTOLOAD'} and grep(($_ eq 'AutoLoader'), @isa)
4135 0 0 0 $gv->FLAGS & SVf_UTF8() || $gv->STASH->FLAGS & SVf_UTF8()
4162 0 0 0 $all_bc_subs{$fullname} or skip_pkg($cvstashname)
4197 0 0 0 $stashname ne 'attributes' || $] >= 5.011
4273 0 0 0 $PERL522 && !($CvFLAGS & 262144) && !($CvFLAGS & 16) && !($fullname && $fullname =~ qr/^File::Glob::GLOB/ && $CvFLAGS & 131076) || !($PERL522 || $CvFLAGS & 128)
4295 0 0 0 ref $sv eq 'B::IV' || ref $sv eq 'B::PVMG'
4360 0 0 0 $$root or $cvxsub
4385 0 0 0 $$root or $cvxsub
4396 0 0 0 $cvstashname ne $gvnew->STASH->NAME or $cvname ne $gvnew->NAME
4428 0 0 0 $cvstashname ne $gv->STASH->NAME or $cvname ne $gv->NAME
4438 0 0 0 $$root or $cvxsub
4452 0 0 0 $verbose or $debug{'sub'}
4459 0 0 0 $verbose or $debug{'sub'}
4473 0 0 0 $debug{'cv'} or $verbose
4537 0 0 0 $dyn_padlist || $fullname =~ /^(main::END|main::INIT|Attribute::Handlers)/
4559 0 0 0 $verbose or $debug{'sub'}
4711 0 0 0 !$gv || ref $gv eq 'B::SPECIAL'
4786 0 0 0 $xcv_outside == ${main_cv();} or ref $cv->OUTSIDE eq 'B::CV'
4989 0 0 0 ref $egv eq 'B::SPECIAL' or ref $egv->STASH eq 'B::SPECIAL'
5135 0 0 0 $fullname eq 'main::ENV' or $fullname eq 'main::SIG'
5248 0 0 0 $fullname eq 'main::+' or $fullname eq 'main::-'
5306 0 0 0 not $PERL510 or $gp
5384 0 0 0 $xsubany < 4294967040 || $xsubany > 4294967295
5414 0 0 0 $debug{'gv'} or $verbose
5431 0 0 0 not $PERL510 or $gp
5467 0 0 0 $fullname eq 'main::DATA' || $save_data_fh
5505 0 0 0 $ispadnamelist or $ispadlist
5516 0 0 0 &isAvSTATIC($av) || canAvSTATIC($av, $fullname)
5563 0 0 0 $flags & 134217728 || $fullname =~ /(::ISA|::INC|curpad_name)$/
5614 0 0 0 $av_init or $av_init2
5624 0 0 0 $av_init or $av_init2
5635 0 0 0 $av_init or $av_init2
5647 0 0 0 $av_init or $av_init2
5657 0 0 0 $ispadlist or $ispadnamelist
5948 0 0 0 skip_pkg($name) or $name eq 'main'
6045 0 0 0 not $value =~ /^&sv_list/ or $PERL510 and $] < 5.012
6225 0 0 0 $PERL56 or $is_DATA
6237 0 0 0 $io->IsSTD($_) or defined $fd and $fd == -$i
6263 0 0 0 $iotype eq "\000" or $iotype eq ' '
6269 0 0 0 $fd >= 3 or $verbose
6279 0 0 0 $fd >= 3 or $verbose
7231 0 0 0 $ITHREADS or not $MULTI
7376 0 0 0 $xsub{$stashname} =~ /^Dynamic/ or $static_ext{$stashname}
7400 0 0 0 $xsub{$c} or $include_package{$c}
7445 0 0 0 $PERL522 || $staticxs
7600 0 0 0 $PERL522 or $staticxs
7787 0 0 0 $- == 0 or $- == 60
7894 0 0 0 $$cv or $$av
0 0 0 $$cv or $$av or $$sv
0 0 0 $$cv or $$av or $$sv or $$hv
0 0 0 $$cv or $$av or $$sv or $$hv or $gv->IO
0 0 0 $$cv or $$av or $$sv or $$hv or $gv->IO or $gv->FORM
7918 0 0 0 $fullname eq 'B::walksymtable' or $fullname eq 'B::C::walksymtable'
7924 0 0 0 exists $dumped_package{$package} or $package =~ /::$/
8008 0 0 0 not $include_package{$package} or $force
8044 0 0 0 $include_package{$isa} or $skip_package{$isa}
8111 0 0 0 $package =~ /^(main::)?(Internals|O)::/ or $package =~ /^B::C::/
0 0 0 $package =~ /^(main::)?(Internals|O)::/ or $package =~ /^B::C::/ or $package eq '__ANON__'
0 0 0 $package =~ /^(main::)?(Internals|O)::/ or $package =~ /^B::C::/ or $package eq '__ANON__' or index($package, ' ') != -1
0 0 0 $package =~ /^(main::)?(Internals|O)::/ or $package =~ /^B::C::/ or $package eq '__ANON__' or index($package, ' ') != -1 or index($package, '(') != -1
0 0 0 $package =~ /^(main::)?(Internals|O)::/ or $package =~ /^B::C::/ or $package eq '__ANON__' or index($package, ' ') != -1 or index($package, '(') != -1 or index($package, ')') != -1
0 0 0 $package =~ /^(main::)?(Internals|O)::/ or $package =~ /^B::C::/ or $package eq '__ANON__' or index($package, ' ') != -1 or index($package, '(') != -1 or index($package, ')') != -1 or exists $skip_package{$package}
0 0 0 $package =~ /^(main::)?(Internals|O)::/ or $package =~ /^B::C::/ or $package eq '__ANON__' or index($package, ' ') != -1 or index($package, '(') != -1 or index($package, ')') != -1 or exists $skip_package{$package} or $DB::deep and $package =~ /^(DB|Term::ReadLine)/
8184 0 0 0 $package =~ /^DynaLoader|XSLoader$/ and $use_xsloader or not exists $all_bc_deps{$package}
8396 0 0 0 exists $INC{'unicore/To/'} or exists $INC{'unicore/To/'}
0 0 0 exists $INC{'unicore/To/'} or exists $INC{'unicore/To/'} or exists $INC{'unicore/'}
0 0 0 $fold || exists $savINC{''}
0 0 0 exists $INC{'unicore/To/'} or exists $INC{'unicore/To/'} or exists $INC{'unicore/'} or $savINC{''} and $fold || exists $savINC{''}
8440 0 0 0 $walkall || exists $dumped_package{$pkg}
8486 0 0 0 $verbose or $debug{'pkg'}
8501 0 0 0 $verbose or $debug{'pkg'}
8526 0 0 0 $verbose or $debug{'pkg'}
8626 0 0 0 $verbose || $debug{'pkg'}
8667 0 0 0 skip_pkg($p) or $all_bc_deps{$p}
0 0 0 skip_pkg($p) or $all_bc_deps{$p} or $pack =~ /(autosplit\.ix|\.al)$/
8703 0 0 0 not $symbol =~ /^[0-9A-Z_]+$/ or $symbol =~ /(?:^ISA$|^EXPORT|^DESTROY|^TIE|^VERSION|^AUTOLOAD|^BEGIN|^INIT|^__|^DELETE|^CLEAR|^STORE|^NEXTKEY|^FIRSTKEY|^FETCH|^EXISTS)/
8794 0 0 0 $verbose or $debug{'cv'}
8968 0 0 0 $^O ne 'MSWin32' or not $Config{'cc'} =~ /^cl/i
8997 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
9034 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
9047 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
9059 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
9068 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
9072 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
9110 0 0 0 $] < 5.009004 || $MULTI
9111 0 0 0 $] < 5.008 or $^O eq 'MSWin32'