Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 50 60 83.3

line true false branch
124 3 2 if @_
130 3 5 if (ref $self) { }
131 3 0 if @_
143 2 4 if (ref $self) { }
144 1 1 if @_
149 4 0 if @_
155 0 0 if @_
169 0 16 scalar @_ == 1 ? :
178 16 0 unless $file =~ /\.\w+$/
179 16 0 unless (-e $file)
185 10 188 if (-e $f)
190 7 16 if $seen
191 7 9 unless (-e $file)
199 6 10 unless -e $file
204 1 9 if (my $addr = $AutoReloader::AL{'Inc'}{"${package}::$function"}) { }
222 1 8 unless my $outer = load($package, $file, $h)
240 1 13 if $@
245 5 8 unless (&Scalar::Util::reftype($ref) and &Scalar::Util::reftype($ref) eq 'CODE')
252 0 5 if $h->{'outer'}
258 5 1 if (${$h->{'check'};} and ${$h->{'checksub'};} and (my $c = &${$h->{'checksub'};}($file)) != $$cr)
261 0 5 if $AutoReloader::Debug
290 4 6 if ($@)
291 2 2 if (substr($sub, -9) eq '::DESTROY')
296 2 2 if ($@)
303 2 6 unless $ref
314 7 0 if ($pkg eq 'AutoReloader')
315 4 3 if (@_ and $_[0] =~ /^&?AUTOLOAD$/)
330 2 2 if \&{$symname;} == \&{$exported;}
338 1 4 if $parent
342 3 1 unless $ref = eval { do { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $ref = gensub($pkg, $func, '', $AutoReloader::AL{'auto'} || 'auto') } }