Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 36 69.4

line true false branch
23 1 17 unless @_
26 17 0 if /^[:\w]+$/
0 17 /::/ ? :
0 17 unless @Authen::SASL::Plugins = grep({eval "require $_" if /^[:\w]+$/;} map({/::/ ? $_ : "Authen::SASL::$_";} @_))
33 1 52 @_ % 2 ? :
41 49 4 if ref $opt{'callback'} eq "HASH"
44 0 53 if exists $opt{'user'}
45 3 50 if exists $opt{'password'}
46 0 53 if exists $opt{'response'}
55 0 80 @_ ? :
61 0 106 if @_ == 1
77 36 2 if (eval "require $pkg" and $pkg->can("client_new"))
78 36 0 if ($self->{'conn'} = eval { do { $pkg->client_new($self, @_) } })
93 18 0 if (eval "require $pkg" and $pkg->can("server_new"))
94 18 0 if ($self->{'conn'} = eval { do { $pkg->server_new($self, @_) } })
105 0 1 if $self->{'conn'}
112 2 1 if @_
128 1 2 $self->{'conn'} ? :