Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 65 52.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
325 0 12 0 defined $params->{'realm'} and ref $params->{'realm'} eq "ARRAY"
425 4 2 0 exists $cparams{'authzid'} and $cparams{'authzid'} eq ""
494 113 0 18 ref $response->{$k} && ref $response->{$k} eq 'ARRAY'
565 5 0 0 $auth eq "auth-conf" and $self->_select_cipher($minssf, $maxssf, $ciphers)
608 0 0 7 $minssf <= 1 and $maxssf >= 1
617 7 0 0 $cmask & 4 and $self->_select_cipher($minssf, $maxssf, \@sciphers)
644 0 0 0 grep({$c->{'name'} eq $_;} @$ciphers) && $c->{'ssf'} >= $minssf && $c->{'ssf'} <= $maxssf
701 0 0 0 $self->{'khs'} and $self->{'cipher'}{'bs'} > 1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
155 1 7 shift() || {}
201 6 3 shift() || sub { }
276 7 0 $sparams{'realm'} || []
305 5 2 $sparams{'maxbuf'} || 65536
392 6 2 shift() || sub { }
406 7 0 $cparams{'nc'} || 0
412 7 0 $cparams{'qop'} || 'auth'
523 0 7 $params->{$k} ||= []
592 7 0 $sparams->{'qop'} || 'auth'
615 4 3 $sparams->{'cipher-opts'} || $sparams->{'cipher'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
156 0 0 8 not ref $options or ref $options ne "HASH"
169 1 0 7 $options->{'no_integrity'} or $options->{'no_confidentiality'}
0 7 0 $options->{'no_integrity'} or $options->{'no_confidentiality'} or $NO_CRYPT_AVAILABLE
205 5 4 0 $Authen::SASL::Perl::DIGEST_MD5::NONCE || join(':', $$, time, rand)
214 0 9 0 $realm ||= $self->host
268 3 4 0 $Authen::SASL::Perl::DIGEST_MD5::CNONCE || join(':', $$, time, rand)
436 1 0 5 $cservice ne $self->service or $chost ne $self->host