Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 52 63.4

line true false branch
181 2 31 if ($attr eq 'cost' or $attr eq 'nrounds_log2') { }
9 22 elsif ($attr eq 'cost_base64' or $attr eq 'nrounds_log2_base64') { }
10 12 elsif ($attr eq 'salt') { }
1 11 elsif ($attr eq 'salt_random') { }
1 10 elsif ($attr eq 'hash') { }
8 2 elsif ($attr eq 'hash_base64') { }
2 0 elsif ($attr eq 'passphrase') { }
182 0 2 if exists $$self{'cost'}
184 0 2 unless $value == int $value and $value >= 0 and $value <= 30
190 0 9 if exists $$self{'cost'}
192 0 9 unless $value =~ m[\A[./0-9A-S]\z]
196 0 10 if exists $$self{'salt'}
198 0 10 unless $value =~ /\A[\x00-\xff]{8}\z/
202 0 1 if exists $$self{'salt'}
206 0 1 if exists $$self{'hash'} or defined $passphrase
209 0 1 unless $value =~ /\A[\x00-\xff]{16}\z/
213 0 8 if exists $$self{'hash'} or defined $passphrase
216 0 8 unless $value =~ m[\A[./0-9A-Za-z]{21}[./01]\z]
220 0 2 if exists $$self{'hash'} or defined $passphrase
228 0 11 unless exists $$self{'cost'}
229 0 11 unless exists $$self{'salt'}
230 2 9 if defined $passphrase
231 0 11 unless exists $$self{'hash'}
247 2 0 if ($passwd =~ /\A\$P\$/)
248 0 2 unless $passwd =~ m[\A\$P\$([./0-9A-Za-z])([!-9;-~]{8}) ([./0-9A-Za-z]{22})\z]x
375 0 10 if $$self{'salt'} =~ /[^!-9;-~]/