Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 62 64.5

line true false branch
79 0 2 ref $out_file eq 'GLOB' ? :
82 0 2 if (ref $details eq 'HASH' and exists $$details{'no_cache'})
84 0 0 if $no_cache
101 0 2 unless (defined $handle)
114 2 0 if ($$self{'details'}{'bits_sample'} <= 8) { }
125 0 1 unless $self
126 1 0 if $$self{'done_finish'}
140 2 0 if $$self{'use_cache'}
161 6 0 if (defined $pos) { }
162 0 6 if $$self{'tools'}->is_01compatible
169 6 0 if $label
170 6 0 if $note
269 22050 0 if ($$self{'use_offset'}) { }
302 22052 44 unless $len
303 0 22096 unless $len
305 22096 0 if ($$self{'use_cache'}) { }
308 10 22086 unless $cache_len < $$self{'cache_size'}
351 0 12 unless $$self{'write_cache'}
353 2 10 unless $len
367 6 0 if (exists $$details{$need} and $$details{$need}) { }
373 0 2 if @missing
375 5 3 unless exists $$details{$want} and $$details{$want}
378 1 1 unless (exists $$details{'block_align'})
380 0 1 $bits % 8 ? :
384 1 1 unless (exists $$output{'bytes_sec'})
388 1 1 unless (exists $$output{'info'})
398 3 3 exists $$details{$_} ? :
405 0 3 if $tools->is_01compatible
406 6 0 exists $$_{$id} ? :
411 1 1 if (exists $$details{'sampler'})
419 1 1 if (exists $$details{'display'})