Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 36 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
275 0 0 0 $self->_send_command($COMMANDS{'reset'}) && $self->_send_command($COMMANDS{'poweroff'}) && $self->_send_command($COMMANDS{'poweron'}) && $self->gain($current_gain) && $self->_send_command($COMMANDS{'request_signal'}) && $self->_send_command($COMMANDS{'request_sid'}) && $self->mute($current_mute)
316 0 0 0 not $gainreq <= 0 and $gainreq >= -9
386 0 0 0 defined $offsetreq and $offsetreq =~ /0|1|-1/
544 0 0 0 ($serial->status)[1] == 0 and $buffer_count == 0
587 0 0 0 defined $waiting and $waiting > 6
875 0 0 0 $attempts == 3 and $$self{'lastack'} != $sequence
909 0 0 0 $char >= 32 and $char <= 126

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
225 0 0 0 $connectiontype eq 'Win32::SerialPort' or $connectiontype eq 'Device::SerialPort'
350 0 0 0 $mutereq == 0 or $mutereq == 1
545 0 0 0 $serial->get_tick_count > $end_ticks or $end_ticks - $serial->get_tick_count > 200000
554 0 0 0 $data_count >= $count or $serial->get_tick_count > $end_ticks
0 0 0 $data_count >= $count or $serial->get_tick_count > $end_ticks or $end_ticks - $serial->get_tick_count > 200000