Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 90 13.3

line true false branch
25 0 0 unless defined $$o{$k}
45 0 0 if $size % $totstride
47 0 0 unless defined $chunksize
50 0 0 if $chunksize > $size
55 0 0 if do_dbg
61 0 0 if do_dbg
98 0 0 unless my $read = sysread($fh, $in, $header_size)
99 0 0 unless $read == $header_size
101 0 0 unless @vals{@wav_fields} = unpack($wav_header, $in)
102 0 0 unless $vals{'header'} eq 'RIFF'
103 0 0 unless $vals{'type'} eq 'WAVE' and $vals{'type1'} eq 'fmt ' and $vals{'size1'} == 16 and $vals{'format'} == 1 and $vals{'bits_per_sample_channel'} == 16 and $vals{'format'} == 1 and $vals{'type2'} eq 'data'
122 56 444 if not @new or $$b[0] != $new[-1][0]
426 0 0 unless $self->get('raw_pcm')
427 0 0 if ($self->get('override_header_info')) { }
429 0 0 unless $self->already_set($k)
438 0 0 if $out_fh and $$vals{'header'}
440 0 0 $$vals{'header'} ? :
445 0 0 if $rem == 2147483647
446 0 0 unless defined(my $cnt = read($fh, $buf, $read, $off))
448 0 0 if $out_fh
451 0 0 unless $rem <= 0 or $rem == 1e+200 or $cnt == $read
456 0 0 unless my $p = le_short_sample_multichannel($b_p_s, 2, $channels, \@stats, $subchunk, $buf)
461 0 0 if $max_level < $level
467 0 0 unless $rem
468 0 0 unless defined($cnt = read($fh, $buf, $b_p_c))
471 0 0 unless $rem <= 0 or $rem == 1e+200 or $cnt == $b_p_c
472 0 0 if $cnt and $out_fh
474 0 0 unless $cnt
476 0 0 if $self->get('close_fh')
487 0 0 if ($self->get('write_to_rms_file'))
491 0 0 unless open RMS, "> $f"
497 0 0 unless close RMS
509 186 1200 $h || $m ? :
510 186 1200 $m ? :
0 1386 $h ? :
511 0 1386 $h ? :
543 4 0 unless $$opts{'min'}
544 0 0 if $c
560 0 2 if ($opts and not ref $opts)
568 2 0 if $opts{'format'} eq 'long'
573 2 0 if $$b[0] < 0
574 0 0 if $opts{'format'} eq 'short'
590 0 0 unless $t and $t eq 'mp3'
592 0 0 unless my(@req) = map([$$_[1] * $l, $$_[2] * $l], grep(($$_[0] > 0), @$blocks))
595 0 0 if not $splitter_loaded++ and 0.02 > 'MP3::Splitter'->VERSION