Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 49 57.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
19 5371 14 8 ref $sym and $sym == $ref
25 2711 2629 31 *{$sym;}{$type} and *{$sym;}{$type} == $ref
65 0 7 0 @caller_1 && $caller_1[3] eq "$caller_0[0]::import"
83 0 0 3 $attr =~ /$qual_id/ and $tieclass =~ /$qual_id/
0 0 3 $attr =~ /$qual_id/ and $tieclass =~ /$qual_id/ and eval "use base q\000$tieclass\000; 1"
138 20 1 0 $^W and not $name =~ /[A-Z]/
210 0 8 45 not $raw and defined $data

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
82 0 3 $3 || '()'
164 19 2 $data ||= 'ANY'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
14 0 73 0 $type ||= ref $ref
68 0 1 6 $caller eq $class or grep {$_ eq $class;} @{"${caller}::ISA";}
94 1 0 0 ref $ref || 'value (' . ($ref || '') . ')'
1 0 0 ref $ref || 'value (' . ($ref || '') . ')'
1 0 0 ref $ref || 'value (' . ($ref || '') . ')'
169 1 15 5 $data =~ s/\s*,?\s*(CHECK)\s*,?\s*// or not keys %{$phase{$ref};}
208 19 34 0 $sym ||= $type eq 'CODE' ? 'ANON' : 'LEXICAL'
228 19 0 0 *{$sym;}{ref $ref} || $ref