Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 42 220 19.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
187 0 13 0 &blessed($av) and $av->does("Attean::API::Binding")
0 0 0 defined $bv && $bv->does('Attean::API::Binding')
13 0 0 &blessed($av) and $av->does("Attean::API::Binding") and not defined $bv && $bv->does('Attean::API::Binding')
0 13 0 &blessed($bv) and $bv->does("Attean::API::Binding")
0 0 0 defined $av && $av->does('Attean::API::Binding')
13 0 0 &blessed($bv) and $bv->does("Attean::API::Binding") and not defined $av && $av->does('Attean::API::Binding')
244 0 0 0 &blessed($v) and $v->isa("Attean::ValueExpression")
0 0 0 &blessed($v) and $v->isa("Attean::ValueExpression") and $v->value->does("Attean::API::Variable")
0 0 0 &blessed($v) and $v->isa("Attean::ValueExpression") and $v->value->does("Attean::API::Variable") and $group_terms[$i]
384 1 0 3 $s->does("Attean::API::TermOrTriple") and $o->does("Attean::API::Variable")
0 0 1 $s->does("Attean::API::Variable") and $o->does("Attean::API::Variable")
0 0 0 $s->does("Attean::API::Variable") and $o->does("Attean::API::TermOrTriple")
517 8 86 2 not $self->ground_blanks and $v->does("Attean::API::Blank")
564 2 1 2 $s_term and $o_term
652 0 0 0 &blessed($term) and $term->does("Attean::API::NumericLiteral")
669 1 1 4 $lbv and $rbv
670 2 1 1 $lbv->ebv && $rbv->ebv
676 3 3 3 $lbv and $lbv->ebv
687 0 1 31 &blessed($_) and $_->does("Attean::API::NumericLiteral")
696 0 0 0 &blessed($_) and $_->does("Attean::API::TermOrTriple")
716 0 0 0 $c < 0 and $op =~ /<=?/u
0 0 0 $c > 0 and $op =~ />=?/u
0 0 0 $c == 0 and $op =~ /=/u
808 0 0 0 defined $lang and $lang ne $n->language
819 0 0 0 $all_lang and $lang
834 0 0 0 &blessed($node) and $node->does("Attean::API::Literal")
835 0 0 0 &blessed($pat) and $pat->does("Attean::API::Literal")
836 0 0 0 &blessed($rep) and $rep->does("Attean::API::Literal")
837 0 0 0 $node->datatype and $node->datatype->value ne ""
856 0 0 0 $node->language and $pat->language
0 0 0 $node->language and $pat->language and $node->language ne $pat->language
869 0 0 0 &blessed($node) and $node->does("Attean::API::Literal")
870 0 0 0 &blessed($substr) and $substr->does("Attean::API::Literal")
871 0 0 0 $node->datatype and $node->datatype->value ne ""
873 0 0 0 !$node->language && $node->datatype->value eq ''
874 0 0 0 !$substr->language && $substr->datatype->value eq ''
875 0 0 0 $lhs_simple and $rhs_simple
0 0 0 $node->language and $substr->language
0 0 0 $node->language and $substr->language and $node->language eq $substr->language
0 0 0 $node->language and $rhs_simple
911 0 0 0 $func eq "TZ" and $tz->is_utc
959 0 0 0 &blessed($str) and $str->does("Attean::API::Literal")
0 0 0 &blessed($str) and $str->does("Attean::API::Literal") and &blessed($lang)
0 0 0 &blessed($str) and $str->does("Attean::API::Literal") and &blessed($lang) and $lang->does("Attean::API::Literal")
960 0 0 0 $str->datatype->value eq "" and not $str->language
963 0 0 0 $operands[0]->does("Attean::API::Literal") and not $operands[0]->language
972 0 0 0 &blessed($operands[0]) and &blessed($operands[1])
1033 0 0 0 not $t and $agg eq "MIN"

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
612 28 25 shift() || {}
728 0 0 $args{'row_cache'} || {}
776 0 0 $operands[0]->language // ""
1063 0 0 $expr->scalar_vars->{'seperator'} // " "
1073 0 0 $term->value // ""

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
99 65 0 0 shift() || Carp::confess('No active-graph passed to Attean::SimpleQueryEvaluator->evaluate')
107 0 0 65 $algebra->isa("Attean::Algebra::Query") or $algebra->isa("Attean::Algebra::Update")
1 0 43 $algebra->isa("Attean::Algebra::Distinct") or $algebra->isa("Attean::Algebra::Reduced")
320 0 0 0 $compatible[$i] == 0 or $disjoint[$i] == 1
334 4 0 5 $path->isa("Attean::Algebra::ZeroOrMorePath") or $path->isa("Attean::Algebra::OneOrMorePath")
511 24 0 0 shift() || Carp::confess('No active-graph passed to Attean::SimpleQueryEvaluator->evaluate')
644 0 0 0 $op eq "-" or $op eq "+"
666 6 2 1 $lbv or $rbv
667 6 1 1 $lbv or $rbv->ebv
668 5 1 1 $rbv or $lbv->ebv
716 0 0 0 $c < 0 and $op =~ /<=?/u or $c > 0 and $op =~ />=?/u
0 0 0 $c < 0 and $op =~ /<=?/u or $c > 0 and $op =~ />=?/u or $c == 0 and $op =~ /=/u
730 0 0 0 $func eq "IN" or $func eq "NOTIN"
753 0 0 0 $func eq "STRSTARTS" or $func eq "STRENDS"
0 0 0 $func eq "STRBEFORE" or $func eq "STRAFTER"
0 0 0 $func eq "TZ" or $func eq "TIMEZONE"
839 0 0 0 index($pattern, "(?{") != -1 or index($pattern, "(??{") != -1
840 0 0 0 index($replace, "(?{") != -1 or index($replace, "(??{") != -1
937 0 0 0 $s > 0 or $duration eq "PT"
1021 0 0 0 $agg eq "MIN" or $agg eq "MAX"
0 0 0 $agg eq "SUM" or $agg eq "AVG"
1035 0 0 0 not $extrema or $extrema->compare($t) == $expect