Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 4 113 3.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
193 2 0 0 $anti and scalar @shared == 0
208 2 0 0 $left and not $seen
2 0 0 $anti and not $seen
353 0 0 0 $left and not $seen
576 0 0 0 &blessed($term) and $term->does("Attean::API::Term")
592 0 0 0 &blessed($term) and $term->does("Attean::API::Term")
782 0 0 0 &blessed($term) and $term->does("Attean::API::Literal")
847 0 0 0 $c->does("Attean::API::DateTimeLiteral") and $c->datetime
867 0 0 0 &blessed($term) and $term->does("Attean::API::NumericLiteral")
885 0 0 0 &blessed($term) and $term->ebv
930 0 0 0 &blessed($term) && $term->ebv
953 0 0 0 &blessed($t) && $t->does($role)
1027 0 0 0 $s->datatype and not $s->datatype->value =~ m[|2001/XMLSchema#string)]u
1113 0 0 0 $term->has_language and $pattern->has_language
1253 0 0 0 &blessed($operands[0]) and &blessed($operands[1])
1340 0 0 0 $row{$var} and $term->as_string ne $row{$var}->as_string
1584 0 0 0 &blessed($av) and $av->does("Attean::API::Binding")
0 0 0 defined $bv && $bv->does('Attean::API::Binding')
0 0 0 &blessed($av) and $av->does("Attean::API::Binding") and not defined $bv && $bv->does('Attean::API::Binding')
0 0 0 &blessed($bv) and $bv->does("Attean::API::Binding")
0 0 0 defined $av && $av->does('Attean::API::Binding')
0 0 0 &blessed($bv) and $bv->does("Attean::API::Binding") and not defined $av && $av->does('Attean::API::Binding')
1908 0 0 0 $s_var and $o_var
2017 0 0 0 $s_var and $o_var
2296 0 0 0 scalar @group_keys == 0 and scalar @groups == 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1047 0 0 $string->language // ""
2123 4 0 $args{'groups'} // []
2207 0 0 $expr->scalar_vars->{'seperator'} // " "
2306 0 0 $agg->scalar_vars->{'ascending'} // {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
770 0 0 0 $value eq 'true' || $value eq '1'
788 0 0 0 $value eq 'true' || $value eq '1'
839 0 0 0 $value eq 'true' || $value eq '1'
864 0 0 0 $op eq "-" or $op eq "+"
1083 0 0 0 $term->language or $term->datatype->value =~ m[|2001/XMLSchema#string)]u
1088 0 0 0 index($pattern, "(?{") != -1 or index($pattern, "(??{") != -1
1089 0 0 0 index($replace, "(?{") != -1 or index($replace, "(??{") != -1
1132 0 0 0 $term->language or $term->datatype->value eq ""
1146 0 0 0 $term->language or $term->datatype->value eq ""
1205 0 0 0 $s > 0 or $duration eq "PT"