Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 54 59.2

line true false branch
195 0 196 if (&blessed($n) and $n->does('Attean::API::Binding')) { }
84 123 elsif (&blessed($n) and $n->isa('Attean::Variable')) { }
214 11 185 ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? :
217 0 50 unless (&blessed($quads))
225 85 0 if (my $b = $pattern->unify($q))
247 0 2 unless scalar @_
249 1 1 unless scalar @_
257 0 3 if ($seen{$head->as_string}++)
261 0 3 if (scalar @n != 1)
280 1 5 unless scalar @elem
281 1 4 if (scalar @elem > 1)
286 0 4 unless &blessed($elem)
332 2 0 if &blessed($default_graphs)
334 0 2 unless (&blessed($algebra) and $algebra->does("Attean::API::Algebra"))
348 6 0 if &blessed($default_graphs)
350 0 6 unless (&blessed($algebra) and $algebra->does("Attean::API::Algebra"))
354 6 0 unless ($algebra->isa("Attean::Algebra::Ask"))
362 0 6 if $@
368 0 16 unless scalar @_
369 13 3 if (not defined $_[0] or &blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->does('Attean::API::TermOrVariable')) { }
3 0 elsif (&blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->does('Attean::API::TripleOrQuadPattern')) { }
409 0 0 &blessed($u) ? :
411 0 0 if ($resp->is_success) { }
414 0 0 if ($pclass) { }
460 0 2 unless Role::Tiny::does_role($type, "Attean::API::Quad")
468 1 4 unless scalar @_
474 1 3 if (scalar @elements == 0) { }