Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 26 27 96.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
34 147 113 40 defined $v and ref $v ne 'CODE'
73 1015 1134 5 defined $cb and ref $cb ne 'CODE'
83 80 2158 2042 $self->concurrency > 0 and $self->running >= $self->concurrency
88 64 2037 43 $self->running == $self->concurrency and $from_push
2101 17 26 $self->running == $self->concurrency and $from_push and defined $self->saturated
91 2011 18 114 @{$$self{'task_queue'};} == 0 and defined $self->empty
100 2037 54 41 @{$$self{'task_queue'};} == 0 and $self->running == 0
2091 9 32 @{$$self{'task_queue'};} == 0 and $self->running == 0 and defined $self->drain

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
33 153 0 150 defined $v or $options{'allow_undef'}