Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 32 71.8

line true false branch
33 0 0 if defined $_
59 7 297 unless defined $event
69 0 36 unless $pass
83 10 142 if ($event->{'appulse'})
105 45 411 unless defined(my $val = $hash->{$key})
107 274 137 if "CODE" eq ref $xfrm
125 1 0 if defined $got
128 0 1 unless (eval { do { $got = $tle->universal($time)->magnitude(@arg); $got = sprintf("%.1f", $got) if defined $got; 1 } })
132 1 0 if (defined $want) { }
148 0 3430 unless $rslt
190 6 6 if $delta_t
192 2 10 $sta ? :
196 0 12 if ref @coord
201 2 4 if $tweak{$method}
210 5 13 if defined $rslt[0][$v_inx] and defined $rslt[1][$v_inx] and $rslt[0][$v_inx] <= $delta_p[$inx] and $delta_p[$inx] <= $rslt[1][$v_inx]
215 13 0 if defined $rslt[0][$v_inx] and defined $rslt[1][$v_inx] and $rslt[0][$v_inx] >= $delta_p[$inx] and $delta_p[$inx] >= $rslt[1][$v_inx]