Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 70 134 52.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
187 0 0 1205 ref $B and $B->represents("Astro::Coord::ECI")
0 0 1205 ref $B and $B->represents("Astro::Coord::ECI") and ref $C
0 0 1205 ref $B and $B->represents("Astro::Coord::ECI") and ref $C and $C->represents("Astro::Coord::ECI")
1003 1132 2253 3 @args and embodies($args[0], "Astro::Coord::ECI")
1396 1840 0 23171 $self->{'_ECI_cache'}{'fixed'}{'geodetic'} and not $elps
1956 0 1043 1042 defined $args[0] and $args[0] =~ / [^0-9] /msx
2001 0 0 1043 defined $precision and $precision > 0
2321 23 133 108 defined $want and $want != $above
2474 560 566 1 $sta = $self->get("station") and $sta->get("inertial")
2718 0 472 1145 ref $self and $self->{'specified'}
472 1138 7 ref $self and $self->{'specified'} and $action & 1
2764 0 0 172 &looks_like_number($value) and $value >= "-1.5707963267949"
0 0 172 &looks_like_number($value) and $value >= "-1.5707963267949" and $value <= "1.5707963267949"
2805 0 0 1 &looks_like_number($value) and $value >= "-1.5707963267949"
0 1 0 &looks_like_number($value) and $value >= "-1.5707963267949" and $value <= "1.5707963267949"
2923 113 58217 25754 defined $self->{'universal'} and $time == $self->{'universal'}
3103 0 0 6465 -&PIOVER2 <= $_[1] and $_[1] <= &PIOVER2
3117 0 0 4212 -&TWOPI <= $_[1] and $_[1] <= &TWOPI
3131 0 0 2253 0 <= $_[1] and $_[1] <= &TWOPI
3158 0 0 15312 @sph_data and not @sph_data % 3
3257 0 0 24487 @cart_data and not @cart_data % 3

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
613 55526 0 $self->{'_ECI_cache'} ||= {}
696 32740 0 $self->{'_ECI_cache'} ||= {}
861 16 1362 $self->{'_ECI_cache'}{'inertial'}{'ecliptic'} ||= [_convert_cartesian_to_spherical_x($self->ecliptic_cartesian)]
1035 0 1132 $self->{'_ECI_cache'}{'inertial'}{'equatorial'} ||= [_convert_cartesian_to_spherical($self->eci)]
1733 0 0 $self->{'_ECI_cache'}{'inertial'}{'heliocentric_ecliptic'} ||= [_convert_cartesian_to_spherical_x($self->heliocentric_ecliptic_cartesian)]
2190 210 31 $angle ||= 0
2198 184 57 $elev < $angle || 0
2206 57 184 $elev < $angle || 0
2217 1785 1904 $elev < $angle || 0
2804 0 0 $dflt{$name} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
136 0 172 0 ref $class || $class
539 31257 0 0 $self->{'universal'} || croak("Error - Universal time of object has not been set.\n")
27058 31257 0 $self->{'dynamical'} ||= $self->{'universal'} + dynamical_delta($self->{'universal'} || croak("Error - Universal time of object has not been set.\n"))
707 15315 18848 0 @args == 3 or @args == 6
1055 0 1 0 $station ||= $self->get("station")
1379 0 0 27116 @args == 1 || @args == 4
1956 0 1042 1043 @args > 1 or defined $args[0] and $args[0] =~ / [^0-9] /msx
2119 0 0 0 $begin_angle < "3.14159265358979" or $end_angle >= "3.14159265358979"
2471 1127 0 0 $start ||= $self->dynamical
2678 42397 0 113 ref $_[0] || $_[0]
2955 0 10 0 $tplt || $self->__horizon_name_tplt
2967 0 10 0 $tplt || $self->__transit_name_tplt
2980 50 0 0 $self->get('name') || $self->get('id') || ($self->{'_name'} ||= $self->__object_name_from_class_name)
2986 5 0 0 ref $self || $self
2993 15 5 0 $self->{'_name_re'} ||= do { my $re = $self->__object_name_from_class_name; qr/ \A \Q$re\E \z /imsx }
3266 24486 0 1 $cart_pos[0] || $cart_pos[1]
3431 29918 3 0 $self->{'equinox_dynamical'} ||= $dyn