Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 53 87 60.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
153 37 1072 0 defined $self->type and $self->type eq "HEADER"
332 1091 0 207 ref $hash{'Card'} and $hash{'Card'}->isa("Astro::FITS::Header::Item")
465 712 328 11 substr($card, 8, 2) ne "= " and not $keyword =~ /^HIERARCH/
653 2 0 661 defined $val1 and defined $val2
672 26 195 0 defined $val1 and not defined $val2
26 195 0 defined $val2 and not defined $val1
681 0 0 7 $val1 and $val2
746 0 154 0 defined $type and $type eq "HEADER"
755 0 149 5 defined $type and $type eq "END"
0 149 0 defined $type and $type eq "BLANK"
0 139 10 defined $type and $type eq "COMMENT"
789 2 0 5 $value && $value ne 'F'
839 1 0 138 defined $comment and length $comment > 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
70 0 1353 0 ref $proto || $proto
350 22 0 0 $self->keyword || $self->value
0 2 20 not $self->keyword or $self->keyword =~ /^(COMMENT|HISTORY)$/
433 328 0 763 $keyword eq "HIERARCH" or $card =~ /^\s+HIERARCH/
465 30 1 1051 $keyword eq "COMMENT" or $keyword eq "HISTORY"
31 271 780 $keyword eq "COMMENT" or $keyword eq "HISTORY" or substr($card, 8, 2) ne "= " and not $keyword =~ /^HIERARCH/
653 0 0 2 defined $val1 || defined $val2
672 0 0 221 defined $val1 and not defined $val2 or defined $val2 and not defined $val1
674 195 0 26 defined $val1 or defined $val2
676 58 116 21 $type eq "FLOAT" or $type eq "INT"
681 0 0 0 $val1 || $val2
7 0 0 $val1 and $val2 or not $val1 || $val2
755 0 0 0 defined $type || defined $value || defined $comment
784 49 48 42 $type eq "INT" or $type eq "FLOAT"
97 7 35 $type eq "INT" or $type eq "FLOAT" or $type eq "LOGICAL"
55 2 33 $type eq "INT" or $type eq "FLOAT" or $type eq "LOGICAL" or $type eq "UNDEF"