Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 154 220 70.0

line true false branch
101 4 352 if (@_)
127 2 18 if (@_)
131 0 4 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($h, 'Astro::FITS::Header')
139 1 19 if (wantarray) { }
158 0 500 unless defined $index
159 0 500 unless exists do { $$self{'HEADER'} }->[$index]
202 0 249 unless defined $index
203 2 247 unless exists do { $$self{'HEADER'} }->[$index]
230 20 1 @items ? :
39 21 wantarray ? :
251 0 1 unless defined $type
258 0 0 @items ? :
1 0 wantarray ? :
285 2 382 if ('Regexp' eq ref $keyword) { }
288 13 220 if /$keyword/
293 359 23 if exists do { $$self{'LOOKUP'} }->{$keyword} and defined do { $$self{'LOOKUP'} }->{$keyword}
297 0 0 @index ? :
384 0 wantarray ? :
323 2 0 @values ? :
293 2 wantarray ? :
352 0 0 @comments ? :
14 0 wantarray ? :
448 0 1 wantarray ? :
483 0 6 wantarray ? :
512 29 0 if (defined $offset)
513 4 25 if @{$self->{'HEADER'};} == 0 and $offset < 0
519 24 5 if (@list) { }
5 0 elsif (defined $length) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $offset) { }
523 0 24 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($i, 'Astro::FITS::Header::Item')
543 1 28 wantarray ? :
623 37 2 if (exists $args{'Cards'} and defined $args{'Cards'}) { }
0 2 elsif (exists $args{'Items'} and defined $args{'Items'}) { }
2 0 elsif (exists $args{'Hash'} and defined $args{'Hash'}) { }
0 0 elsif (not defined $self->{'HEADER'} && @{$self->{'HEADER'};}) { }
645 0 2 unless ref $args{'Hash'} eq 'HASH'
649 0 2 if ($k eq 'SUBHEADERS' and ref $args{'Hash'}{$k} eq 'ARRAY' and ref $args{'Hash'}{$k}[0] eq 'HASH') { }
2 0 elsif (not ref $args{'Hash'}{$k}) { }
658 0 2 unless defined $value
669 0 2 if @subheaders
721 3 5 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH')
751 0 373 if (not defined $type or $type eq 'BLANK') { }
30 343 elsif ($type eq 'COMMENT') { }
0 343 elsif ($type eq 'HEADER') { }
762 197 176 if (exists $items{$key}) { }
790 184 13 if ($items[0]{'item'}->equals($i->{'item'}))
799 165 11 if ($match == @items and $match == $nhdr || $opt{'merge_unique'}) { }
816 7 1 unless ($opt{'force_return_diffs'})
817 3 4 unless grep {@$_ != 0;} @difference
831 6 2 wantarray ? :
870 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($thing, 'Astro::FITS::Header::Item')) { }
0 0 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($thing, 'Astro::FITS::Header')) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $thing eq 'ARRAY') { }
880 0 0 if (defined $item) { }
889 0 0 if uc $card->keyword eq 'SIMPLE'
894 0 0 defined $index ? :
955 75 3357 if (exists do { $$self{'LOOKUP'} }->{$key} and defined do { $$self{'LOOKUP'} }->{$key}) { }
1159 2 0 if ($newobj->can($method))
1177 2 178 if ($key eq 'SUBHEADERS')
1186 6 172 if ($key =~ /_COMMENT$/)
1197 9 163 if ($wantcomment or $key =~ /^(COMMENT)|(HISTORY)$/ or $key =~ /^END$/)
1200 7 8 if $t_ok and $item->type eq 'COMMENT'
1205 2 0 $wantvalue ? :
2 176 if $t_ok and $item->type eq 'END' or defined $item and $key eq 'END'
1211 164 12 $wantvalue ? :
1221 4 172 if ($self->tiereturnsref) { }
1230 166 6 if (scalar @values <= 1) { }
1235 17 0 defined $_ ? :
1239 6 0 if defined $out[0]
1247 7 169 if ($t_ok and $item->type eq 'COMMENT')
1254 11 166 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($hdr, 'Astro::FITS::Header') or $ishdr)
1267 2 174 if ($self->tiereturnsref and scalar @out > 1) { }
1305 2 15 if (defined $value and not ref $value and not $keyword =~ /(_COMMENT$)|(^(COMMENT|HISTORY)$)/ and $value =~ s[\s*(?
1317 17 5 if (defined $value and not ref $value)
1324 0 22 if (not defined $value) { }
1 21 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'Astro::FITS::Header')) { }
3 18 elsif (ref $value eq 'HASH') { }
3 15 elsif (ref $value eq 'ARRAY' or length $value > 70 or $value =~ /\n/s) { }
1334 1 2 if (defined $tied and UNIVERSAL::isa($tied, 'Astro::FITS::Header')) { }
1347 1 2 if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 2 elsif (ref $value) { }
2 0 elsif ($value =~ /\n/s) { }
1381 1 21 if ($keyword eq 'END')
1385 1 0 if (@index != 1 or $index[0] != $#{$self->allitems;})
1391 1 0 unless (@index)
1401 1 20 if ($keyword eq 'SIMPLE')
1405 1 0 if (@index != 1 or $index[0] != 0)
1411 1 0 unless (@index)
1423 3 17 if ($keyword =~ /_COMMENT$/)
1431 2 18 if (scalar @items > scalar @values)
1452 6 19 if ($Astro::FITS::Header::COMMENT_FIELD{$keyword}) { }
3 16 elsif (not $havevalue) { }
1459 7 9 $#values > 0 || ref $value ? :
1462 3 13 if $#values > 0
1474 3 9 if ($keyword eq 'SUBHEADERS')
1475 2 1 scalar @{$self->subhdrs;} > 0 ? :
1478 2 7 unless (exists do { $$self{'LOOKUP'} }->{$keyword})
1485 7 0 if (exists do { $$self{'LOOKUP'} }->{$keyword})
1488 1 5 if defined $type and $type eq 'COMMENT' || $type eq 'BLANK'
1516 1 8 unless @{$self->{'HEADER'};}
1528 10 137 if ($self->{'LASTKEY'} + 1 == scalar @{$self->{'HEADER'};})
1539 0 139 unless defined $a
1551 2 9 if (scalar @{$self->subhdrs;} and not $self->{'SEENKEY'}{'SUBHEADERS'})
1625 7 0 if ($index >= 0 and $index <= $#$arr) { }
1659 0 0 if $index > $#$arr or $index < 0
1660 0 0 if defined $self->{'SUBHDRS'}[$index]
1714 9 0 if (defined $hdr)
1728 0 4 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'Astro::FITS::Header')) { }
4 0 elsif (ref $value eq 'HASH') { }
1732 3 1 if (defined $tied and UNIVERSAL::isa($tied, 'Astro::FITS::Header')) { }