Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 50 56.0

line true false branch
243 0 36 if (@_)
281 0 2 ref $new[0] ? :
346 0 0 if (exists $options{'class'} and defined $options{'class'} and ref $options{'class'} eq "ARRAY")
353 1 19 if (exists $options{'prefix'} and defined $options{'prefix'})
359 0 20 if (exists $options{'frameset'} and defined $options{'frameset'})
415 0 0 if (exists $options{'class'} and defined $options{'class'} and ref $options{'class'} eq "ARRAY")
423 1 14 if (exists $options{'prefix'} and defined $options{'prefix'}) { }
437 0 30 if (exists $stripped_header{$h} and defined $stripped_header{$h} and not UNIVERSAL::isa($stripped_header{$h}, "Time::Piece"))
487 36 0 unless (defined $classes and @$classes)
489 16 20 if (exists $hdr->{'_TRANSLATION_CLASS'} and defined $hdr->{'_TRANSLATION_CLASS'})
492 16 0 if ($loaded)
493 16 0 if ($class->can("can_translate") and $class->can_translate($hdr))
511 0 660 if $Astro::FITS::HdrTrans::DEBUG
515 0 660 if ($@)
516 0 0 if $Astro::FITS::HdrTrans::DEBUG
518 0 660 if $@
519 660 0 if ($class->can('can_translate')) { }
520 20 640 if ($class->can_translate($hdr))
521 0 20 if $Astro::FITS::HdrTrans::DEBUG
529 0 20 if (scalar keys %result > 1)
534 0 20 if (scalar keys %result == 0)
536 0 0 $fromfits ? :
563 14 2 unless $prefix
567 2 38 if ($key eq '_TRANSLATION_CLASS') { }
36 2 elsif ($key =~ /^$prefix/) { }