Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 6 33 18.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
79 0 0 1 defined $ell and not UNIVERSAL::isa($ell, 'Number::Uncertainty')
99 0 1 0 defined $ang and not UNIVERSAL::isa($ang, 'Number::Uncertainty')
119 0 0 0 defined $ang and not UNIVERSAL::isa($ang, 'Number::Uncertainty')
138 0 0 0 defined $axis and not UNIVERSAL::isa($axis, 'Number::Uncertainty')
157 0 0 0 defined $axis and not UNIVERSAL::isa($axis, 'Number::Uncertainty')
176 0 0 0 defined $axis and not UNIVERSAL::isa($axis, 'Number::Uncertainty')
195 0 0 0 defined $axis and not UNIVERSAL::isa($axis, 'Number::Uncertainty')
215 1 1 1 defined $area and not UNIVERSAL::isa($area, 'Number::Uncertainty')
234 0 0 0 defined $fwhm and not UNIVERSAL::isa($fwhm, 'Number::Uncertainty')
253 0 0 0 defined $fwhm and not UNIVERSAL::isa($fwhm, 'Number::Uncertainty')

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
48 0 4 0 ref $proto || $proto