Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 50 188 26.6

line true false branch
148 0 7 if (scalar @_ != 3)
158 0 7 if (ref($tmp) =~ /PDL/) { }
5 2 elsif ($tmp < 0) { }
167 0 7 if (ref($tmp) =~ /PDL/) { }
218 1 0 if ($x > 0.5)
221 0 1 if ($y > 0.5)
251 1 2 $left_out < 0 ? :
3 1 unless defined $_[3] and $_[3]
357 0 1 if (@_ == 3) { }
1 0 elsif (@_ == 2) { }
0 0 elsif (@_ > 3) { }
396 0 1 if ($rect) { }
544 0 1 if (@_ == 3) { }
1 0 elsif (@_ == 2) { }
0 0 elsif (@_ > 2) { }
600 0 1 if ($rect) { }
771 0 1 if (scalar @_ < 3) { }
0 1 elsif (scalar @_ > 3) { }
819 0 1 if (@_ == 3) { }
1 0 elsif (@_ == 2) { }
0 0 elsif (@_ > 3) { }
853 0 1 if ($rect) { }
964 0 0 if (@_ == 3) { }
0 0 elsif (@_ == 2) { }
0 0 elsif (@_ > 3) { }
1003 0 0 if ($rect) { }
1026 1 0 if ($omega < 0)
1034 0 1 if ($manom < 0)
1042 0 1 if ($mlanom < 0)
1051 0 1 if ($F < 0)
1060 0 1 if ($D < 0)
1313 0 1 if ($input_mode < $EWXY or $input_mode > $GALACTIC)
1320 0 1 if ($output_mode < $EWXY or $output_mode > $GALACTIC)
1331 0 1 if ($input_mode >= $DATE && $output_mode <= $DATE || $input_mode <= $DATE && $output_mode >= $DATE and not defined $mjd)
1338 0 1 if ($input_mode >= $HADEC && $output_mode <= $AZEL || $input_mode <= $HADEC && $output_mode >= $HADEC and not defined $longitude)
1345 0 1 if ($input_mode >= $HADEC && $output_mode < $HADEC || $input_mode <= $AZEL && $output_mode > $AZEL and not defined $latitude)
1352 0 1 if ($input_mode >= $HADEC && $output_mode < $HADEC || $input_mode <= $AZEL && $output_mode > $AZEL and not defined $ref0)
1364 1 0 if ($input_mode <= $DATE and $output_mode >= $DATE or $input_mode >= $DATE and $output_mode <= $DATE)
1371 1 0 if ($input_mode <= $HADEC and $output_mode >= $DATE or $input_mode >= $DATE and $output_mode <= $HADEC)
1411 1 0 if ($input_mode <= $DATE and $output_mode >= $J2000 or $input_mode >= $J2000 and $output_mode <= $DATE)
1434 1 0 if ($input_mode <= $HADEC and $output_mode >= $DATE or $output_mode <= $HADEC and $input_mode >= $DATE)
1441 0 1 if ($input_mode == $GALACTIC) { }
0 1 elsif ($input_mode == $B1950) { }
1 0 elsif ($input_mode == $J2000) { }
0 0 elsif ($input_mode == $DATE) { }
0 0 elsif ($input_mode == $HADEC) { }
0 0 elsif ($input_mode == $AZEL) { }
1461 1 0 if ($output_mode < $input_mode) { }
1464 0 1 if ($input_mode == $GALACTIC)
1469 0 1 if ($input_mode >= $B1950 and $output_mode < $B1950)
1474 1 0 if ($input_mode >= $J2000 and $output_mode < $J2000)
1484 1 0 if ($input_mode >= $DATE and $output_mode < $DATE)
1496 1 0 if ($ha < 0)
1502 1 0 if ($input_mode >= $HADEC and $output_mode < $HADEC)
1510 0 1 if ($input_mode >= $AZEL and $output_mode < $AZEL)
1515 0 0 if ($input_mode == $EWXY and $output_mode > $EWXY)
1520 0 0 if ($input_mode <= $AZEL and $output_mode > $AZEL)
1528 0 0 if ($root + $ref0 / tan($root * 2 * $Astro::Coord::PI) - $el > 0) { }
1543 0 0 if ($input_mode <= $HADEC and $output_mode > $HADEC)
1545 0 0 if ($ra < 0)
1557 0 0 if ($input_mode <= $DATE and $output_mode > $DATE)
1567 0 0 if ($input_mode <= $J2000 and $output_mode > $J2000)
1572 0 0 if ($input_mode <= $B1950 and $output_mode >= $B1950)
1577 0 1 if ($output_mode == $EWXY) { }
1 0 elsif ($output_mode == $AZEL) { }
0 0 elsif ($output_mode == $HADEC) { }
0 0 elsif ($output_mode == $DATE) { }
0 0 elsif ($output_mode == $J2000) { }
0 0 elsif ($output_mode == $B1950) { }
0 0 elsif ($output_mode == $GALACTIC) { }
1626 0 0 unless (exists $$limitsref{'XLOW'} and exists $$limitsref{'XLOW_KEYHOLE'} and exists $$limitsref{'XHIGH'} and exists $$limitsref{'XHIGH_KEYHOLE'} and exists $$limitsref{'YLOW'} and exists $$limitsref{'YLOW_KEYHOLE'} and exists $$limitsref{'YHIGH'} and exists $$limitsref{'YHIGH_KEYHOLE'})
1637 0 0 if ($latitude < 0) { }
1649 0 0 if ($latitude < 0 and $declination > $dec_never or $latitude > 0 and $declination < $dec_never) { }
0 0 elsif ($latitude < 0 and $declination < $dec_always or $latitude > 0 and $declination > $dec_always) { }
1675 0 0 if ($latitude > 0) { }
1692 0 0 if ($declination > $dec_split and $latitude < 0 or $declination < $dec_split and $latitude > 0) { }
1698 0 0 if (abs $y < abs 2 * $Astro::Coord::PI * $$limitsref{'YLOW_KEYHOLE'}) { }
1704 0 0 if (abs $y < abs 2 * $Astro::Coord::PI * $$limitsref{'YLOW_KEYHOLE'}) { }
0 0 elsif (abs $y < abs 2 * $Astro::Coord::PI * $$limitsref{'YLOW'}) { }
1720 0 0 if (abs $y < abs 2 * $Astro::Coord::PI * $$limitsref{'YLOW_KEYHOLE'}) { }
1726 0 0 if (abs $y < abs 2 * $Astro::Coord::PI * $$limitsref{'YLOW_KEYHOLE'}) { }
0 0 elsif (abs $y < abs 2 * $Astro::Coord::PI * $$limitsref{'YLOW'}) { }
1767 0 0 unless defined $haset
1768 0 0 if $haset > 0 and $haset < 1
1769 0 0 if $haset < 0
1807 0 0 unless (exists $$limitsref{'ELLOW'})
1817 0 0 if ($cos_haset > 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($cos_haset < -1) { }
1856 0 0 unless (defined $haset)
1857 0 0 if ($haset > 0 and $haset < 1)
1858 0 0 if ($haset < 0)
1905 0 0 if ($mount != 0 and $mount != 1)
1910 0 0 if ($mount == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($mount == 1) { }