Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 30 102 29.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
47 0 0 2 defined $args{'keep_resource_array'} and $args{'keep_resource_array'}
236 0 0 2 defined $$self{'keep_resource_array'} and $$self{'keep_resource_array'}
242 0 0 2 defined $$self{'clean_when_reload'} and $$self{'clean_when_reload'}
353 0 0 1 defined $$self{'keep_resource_array'} and $$self{'keep_resource_array'}
380 1 0 0 defined $opts{'new_file'} and $opts{'new_file'} ne ''
391 0 0 1 defined $$self{'reload_when_save'} and $$self{'reload_when_save'}
416 0 0 0 $last_section_name eq $$one_case{'section'} and $line_sp =~ /\=/
423 0 0 0 $key eq $$one_case{'key'} and $$one_case{'value_regexp'}
0 0 0 $key eq $$one_case{'key'} and $$one_case{'value_regexp'} and not $$one_case{'value'}
0 0 0 $key eq $$one_case{'key'} and not $$one_case{'value'}
0 0 0 $key eq $$one_case{'key'} and $$one_case{'value'} eq $value
425 0 0 0 $$one_case{'action'} eq 'delkey' and $1 eq $$one_case{'value_regexp'}
457 0 0 0 $$one_case{'section'} eq '[unsection]' and $$one_case{'action'} eq 'replacesection'
467 0 0 0 $last_section_name eq $$one_case{'section'} and $line_sp =~ /^\[(.+)\]/
544 1 1 2 defined $section_name and $$one_case{'section'} eq $section_name
2 2 0 defined $section_name and $$one_case{'section'} eq $section_name and $$one_case{'point'} eq 'up'
1 1 2 defined $section_name and $$one_case{'section'} eq $section_name
2 2 0 defined $section_name and $$one_case{'section'} eq $section_name and $$one_case{'point'} eq 'down'
1 1 2 defined $section_name and $$one_case{'section'} eq $section_name
2 0 2 defined $section_name and $$one_case{'section'} eq $section_name and $$one_case{'point'} eq 'foot'
2 0 0 $save_tmpmem == 1 and $section_name
2 0 0 $save_tmpmem == 1 and $section_name and $$one_case{'section'} ne $section_name
556 2 0 2 $save_tmpmem == 1 and $offset == $#{$data;}
576 0 0 0 $last_section_name eq $$one_case{'section'} and $line_sp =~ /\=/
581 0 0 0 $key eq $$one_case{'comkey'}[0] and $value eq $$one_case{'comkey'}[1]
0 0 0 $key eq $$one_case{'comkey'}[0] and $value eq $$one_case{'comkey'}[1] and $$one_case{'point'} eq 'up'
0 0 0 $key eq $$one_case{'comkey'}[0] and $value eq $$one_case{'comkey'}[1]
0 0 0 $key eq $$one_case{'comkey'}[0] and $value eq $$one_case{'comkey'}[1] and $$one_case{'point'} eq 'down'
0 0 0 $key eq $$one_case{'comkey'}[0] and $value eq $$one_case{'comkey'}[1]
0 0 0 $key eq $$one_case{'comkey'}[0] and $value eq $$one_case{'comkey'}[1] and $$one_case{'point'} eq 'over'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
367 0 0 6 $$one_case{'action'} eq 'editkey' or $$one_case{'action'} eq 'delkey'
368 0 0 6 $$one_case{'action'} eq 'delsection' or $$one_case{'action'} eq 'replacesection'
523 2 0 2 not exists $$one_case{'section'} or $$one_case{'section'} eq ''
2 0 0 not defined $$one_case{'comkey'} or $$one_case{'comkey'} eq ''