Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 42 65 64.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
105 0 0 8 @args == 1 and defined $args[0]
0 0 8 @args == 1 and defined $args[0] and $args[0] =~ /^\d+$/
109 0 0 1 @args == 1 and defined $args[0]
0 0 1 @args == 1 and defined $args[0] and length $args[0]
327 40 0 8 &blessed($sub) and $sub->isa('Assert::Refute::Contract')
40 0 0 &blessed($sub) and $sub->isa('Assert::Refute::Report')
426 0 1 1 $n =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/ and $n <= $self->{'count'}
469 0 0 38 defined $n and $n =~ /^(?:[0-9]+|-1)$/
485 17 6 5 $reason and $reason ne 1
735 102 26 70 $reason and $reason ne 1
750 8 5 81 not defined $self->{'plan_tests'} and $self->{'done'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
216 2 190 $self->{'messages'}{'-1'} ||= []
255 6 91 $self->{'context'} ||= {}
343 1 0 $@ || 'Execution interrupted'
363 2 72 $self->{'done'} || 0
398 1 1 $self->{'fail_count'} || 0
424 9 0 $self->{'fail'}{$n} || 0
516 13 82 $self->{'has_error'} || ''
551 2 76 $verbosity ||= 0
690 0 12 $self->{'messages'}{$self->{'count'}} ||= []
770 10 0 $mess ||= 'Something terrible happened'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
227 0 3 0 $self->{'has_error'} ||= $bad_plan
376 68 8 60 $self->{'fail_count'} || $self->{'has_error'}
670 3 0 0 $@ || Carp::shortmess('Contract execution interrupted')
690 109 12 0 $self->{'log'} ||= ($self->{'messages'}{$self->{'count'}} ||= [])