Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 38 76.3

line true false branch
18 0 6 $@ ? :
39 0 6 unless (-d $$self{'_DIRECTORY'})
43 1 5 if (defined $$self{'_CACHESIZE'})
46 0 1 if ($$self{'_CACHESIZE'} == 0) { }
0 1 elsif ($$self{'_CACHESIZE'} < 1) { }
63 65 108 if exists $$self{$key}
72 1 1 if exists $$self{$key} and $$self{$key} == $value
74 1 0 unless exists $$self{$key}
112 1 1 unless $$self{$key} or -f $self->fileName($key)
118 1 54 if $$self{'_READONLY'}
123 11 43 if tied %{$$self{$key};}
125 54 0 if exists $$self{$key}
131 3 7 if ref $_ and ref $_ eq 'HASH'
145 100 1 if (defined $cacheSize)
147 92 8 if $dataRecords < $cacheSize
162 100 9 if defined $$self{'_CACHESIZE'}
179 171 0 $encodeSub ? :
187 1 0 $decodeSub ? :
201 0 1 unless opendir DIR, $$self{'_DIRECTORY'}