Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 84 0.0

line true false branch
108 0 0 if ($agent_type eq 'FusionInventory-Agent') { }
0 0 elsif ($agent_type eq 'Armadito-Agent') { }
123 0 0 $Armadito::Agent::Config::OSNAME eq 'MSWin32' ? :
0 0 $config ? :
0 0 $confFile ? :
130 0 0 if ($backend eq 'registry')
131 0 0 unless $Armadito::Agent::Config::OSNAME eq 'MSWin32'
137 0 0 if ($backend eq 'file')
145 0 0 if ($backend eq 'none')
164 0 0 unless my $machKey = $Registry->Open('LMachine', {'Access', Win32::TieRegistry::KEY_READ()})
171 0 0 unless $rawKey =~ m[^/(\S+)]
179 0 0 if ($agent_type eq 'FusionInventory-Agent') { }
0 0 elsif ($agent_type eq 'Armadito-Agent') { }
180 0 0 if (exists $default_fusion->{$key})
185 0 0 if (exists $default_armadito->{$key})
197 0 0 $params->{'file'} ? :
199 0 0 if ($file) { }
200 0 0 unless -f $file
201 0 0 unless -r $file
207 0 0 unless (open $handle, '<', $file)
214 0 0 if ($line =~ /([\w-]+)\s*=\s*(.+)/)
223 0 0 if ($agent_type eq 'FusionInventory-Agent') { }
0 0 elsif ($agent_type eq 'Armadito-Agent') { }
224 0 0 if (exists $default_fusion->{$key})
229 0 0 if (exists $default_armadito->{$key})
245 0 0 unless defined $self->{$old}
247 0 0 if $old =~ /^no-/ and not $self->{$old}
255 0 0 if ($handler->{'new'})
256 0 0 if (ref $handler->{'new'} eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $handler->{'new'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
260 0 0 if ($value =~ /^\+(\S+)/) { }
263 0 0 $self->{$key} ? :
285 0 0 if ($self->{'logfile'})
290 0 0 if ($self->{'ca-cert-file'} and $self->{'ca-cert-dir'})
295 0 0 if ($self->{'logger'} =~ /file/i and not $self->{'logfile'})
312 0 0 if ($self->{$option} and ref $self->{$option} eq '') { }
321 0 0 if $self->{'ca-cert-file'}
323 0 0 if $self->{'ca-cert-dir'}
325 0 0 if $self->{'logfile'}
331 0 0 if ($self->{'conf-reload-interval'} != 0)
332 0 0 if ($self->{'conf-reload-interval'} < 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'conf-reload-interval'} < $confReloadIntervalMinValue) { }