Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 52 71.1

line true false branch
82 281 0 unless $self->response->is_deferred
107 6 136 unless $target
109 121 15 unless (@args)
111 10 111 @{$self->req->captures;} ? :
114 25 111 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($target)) { }
115 0 25 if ($target->isa('Ark::Action')) { }
25 0 elsif ($target->can('process')) { }
125 18 93 if ($target =~ m[^/.+]) { }
128 18 0 if (my $action = $self->get_action($name, $namespace || ''))
136 93 0 if ($last and $last->{'obj'}->isa('Ark::Controller') and my $action = $self->get_action($target, $last->{'obj'}->namespace))
162 271 1 if ($match) { }
163 270 1 if $self->dispatch_private_action('begin') and $self->dispatch_auto_action
168 271 0 unless $self->res->is_deferred or $self->res->is_streaming
179 0 0 unless my $action = ($self->router->get_actions($name, $self->req->action->namespace))[-1]
190 534 8 unless $action and $action->attributes->{'Private'}
201 0 4 unless $auto->attributes->{'Private'}
203 1 3 unless $self->state
234 13 475 if ($error)
235 12 1 if ($error =~ /^$DETACH at /) { }
236 2 10 if $self->depth >= 1
252 466 9 defined $state ? :
272 0 10 ref $path[-1] eq 'HASH' ? :
290 0 281 if ($is_deferred)
292 0 0 if ($action)
300 0 281 if $self->response->is_deferred
309 0 272 unless $self->finalized