Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 38 71.0

line true false branch
47 0 3 $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? :
85 3 6 if ($zip and $file) { }
6 0 elsif ($zip and not $file and ref $zip) { }
87 1 2 ref $file ? :
113 9 0 if $self->{'member'}
142 10 0 if $self->{'member'}
164 2 0 if (@_)
169 2 0 exists $self->{'sep'} ? :
181 4 12 exists $self->{'sep'} ? :
187 14 0 if (defined $sep) { }
188 0 14 if ($sep eq '') { }
234 16 0 if (not $size) { }
263 2 14 if (ref $argref eq 'HASH')
269 14 9 if ($sep and defined $self->{'buffer'} and $self->{'buffer'} =~ s/^(.*?)$sep//s) { }
2 7 elsif ($self->{'at_end'}) { }
274 1 13 if ($preserve_line_ending) { }
280 1 1 if $self->{'buffer'}
284 0 7 if ($status != 0 and $status != 1)
318 0 1 if ($status != 0 and $status != 1) { }