Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 230 326 70.5

line true false branch
12 0 28 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32')
55 0 15 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
71 0 201 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
87 0 19 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
112 22 330 $Archive::Zip::UNICODE ? :
149 0 409 if (@_) { }
151 0 0 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
164 1 583 if (@_)
166 0 1 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
183 0 409 if ($self->desiredCompressionLevel == 1 or $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 2) { }
0 409 elsif ($self->desiredCompressionLevel == 3 or $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 4 or $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 5 or $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 6 or $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 7) { }
0 409 elsif ($self->desiredCompressionLevel == 8 or $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 9) { }
197 14 395 if ($Archive::Zip::UNICODE)
205 3 5 if @_
216 0 2348 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
218 595 1753 if (defined $newDesiredCompressionMethod)
220 284 311 if ($newDesiredCompressionMethod == 0) { }
306 5 elsif ($oldDesiredCompressionMethod == 0) { }
222 125 159 if $self->uncompressedSize == 0
234 0 4276 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
236 0 4276 if (defined $newDesiredCompressionLevel)
238 0 0 $newDesiredCompressionLevel ? :
250 63 5154 if (defined $newName)
260 80 1585 if ($self->{'bitFlag'} & 2048)
299 38 549 if ($mode & 16384)
327 0 682 if ($format == 1)
333 0 682 if ($format == 18)
335 0 0 if (($attribs & 4026531840) != 1073741824) { }
342 0 4 if ($format == 3 or $format == 2 or $format == 13 or $format == 5 or $format == 16 or $format == 12 or $format == 17)
350 678 0 if $mode != 0 or not $self->localExtraField
377 4 0 if ($format == 0)
386 0 4 if ($mode & 448) == (256 | $attribs << 6)
396 587 95 if (@_)
397 0 587 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
399 38 549 if ($self->isDirectory) { }
416 6 796 if (@_) { }
418 0 6 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
421 2 4 if ($status != 0) { }
1 3 elsif ($zip64) { }
439 6 421 if (@_) { }
441 0 6 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
444 2 4 if ($status != 0) { }
1 3 elsif ($zip64) { }
467 0 409 if (@_) { }
471 0 0 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
479 158 857 if (@_)
481 158 0 if ($shouldHave) { }
513 201 27 if (@_)
514 0 201 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
516 143 58 $flag ? :
525 0 27 if (@_)
528 0 0 $flag ? :
538 0 86 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
542 0 86 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and $Archive::Zip::UNICODE) { }
556 3 83 if ($self->isSymbolicLink and 1) { }
560 0 83 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and $Archive::Zip::UNICODE) { }
566 0 83 unless $status
569 0 83 unless chmod $self->unixFileAttributes, $name
624 2 55 if (length $extraField < 4 + $dataSize) { }
4 51 elsif ($headerId != 1) { }
636 2 62 if (length $extraField != 0)
641 51 11 if (defined $zip64Data)
660 40 11 if (@_ == 3 and $dataLength == 16) { }
0 11 elsif (@_ == 3 and $dataLength == 24) { }
0 11 elsif (@_ == 3 and $dataLength == 28) { }
0 11 elsif (@_ == 5 and $dataLength == 24) { }
1 10 elsif (@_ == 5 and $dataLength == 28) { }
678 39 5 defined $_ ? :
684 43 8 if ($fields[1] == 4294967295)
689 42 9 if ($fields[2] == 4294967295)
694 7 44 if (@fields > 3 and $fields[3] == 4294967295)
699 1 50 if (@fields > 3 and $fields[4] == 65535)
705 50 1 if ($dataLength == $expDataLength) { }
763 0 339 unless defined $dt
776 0 339 if $@
788 1 267 unless ($time_t)
792 0 268 if ($time_t < $safe_epoch)
812 23 409 @_ ? :
823 306 126 if (not $zip64) { }
824 17 289 if ($refresh) { }
203 86 elsif ($hasDataDescriptor) { }
833 0 17 if ($compressedSize > 4294967295)
851 8 118 if $versionNeededToExtract < 45
855 6 120 if ($refresh) { }
92 28 elsif ($hasDataDescriptor) { }
887 0 432 unless $self->_print($fh, $signatureData)
901 0 432 unless $self->_print($fh, $header)
905 415 17 if (not $refresh or $zip64)
906 415 0 if ($fileNameLength)
907 0 415 unless $self->_print($fh, $self->fileNameAsBytes)
910 130 285 if ($localFieldLength)
911 0 130 unless $self->_print($fh, $localExtraField)
932 0 23 unless $fh->seek($self->writeLocalHeaderRelativeOffset, 0)
936 0 23 if $status != 0
938 0 23 unless $fh->seek($here, 0)
968 289 120 if (not $zip64) { }
974 6 114 if $versionNeededToExtract < 45
979 0 120 if ($uncompressedSize > 4294967295)
985 0 120 if ($compressedSize > 4294967295)
992 120 0 if ($localHeaderRelativeOffset > 4294967295 or @extraFieldValues == 0)
1012 0 409 unless $self->_print($fh, $sigData)
1034 0 409 unless $self->_print($fh, $header)
1037 409 0 if ($fileNameLength)
1038 0 409 unless $self->_print($fh, $self->fileNameAsBytes)
1041 124 285 if ($extraFieldLength)
1042 0 124 unless $self->_print($fh, $cdExtraField)
1045 0 409 if ($fileCommentLength)
1046 0 0 unless $self->_print($fh, $self->fileComment)
1077 203 92 if (not $self->zip64) { }
1096 0 295 unless $self->_print($fh, $descriptor)
1104 0 442 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
1106 12 430 if ($self->readIsDone)
1112 0 430 unless defined $chunkSize
1113 409 21 if $chunkSize > $self->_readDataRemaining
1119 0 430 unless $status == 0
1121 3 427 if $buffer and $self->isEncrypted
1125 358 72 if ($self->compressionMethod == 0)
1132 421 9 if $self->readIsDone
1164 106 4 if ($self->_readDataRemaining == 0) { }
4 0 elsif ($status == Z_OK()) { }
1185 13 2 unless $status == Z_OK()
1186 15 0 if ($status == Z_OK() or $status == Z_STREAM_END()) { }
1187 13 2 $status == Z_STREAM_END() ? :
1204 94 425 if $self->uncompressedSize == 0
1208 441 78 if $self->compressionMethod == 0
1212 106 413 if ($self->compressionMethod == 0 and $self->desiredCompressionMethod == 8) { }
21 392 elsif ($self->compressionMethod == 8 and $self->desiredCompressionMethod == 0) { }
392 0 elsif ($self->compressionMethod == $self->desiredCompressionMethod) { }
1220 0 106 unless $status == Z_OK()
1230 0 21 unless $status == Z_OK()
1243 441 78 $self->compressionMethod == 0 ? :
1271 6 12 if (defined $newContents) { }
1276 0 0 wantarray ? :
0 6 unless $self->_ISA('Archive::Zip::StringMember')
1286 6 0 wantarray ? :
1291 0 12 if ($status != 0)
1293 0 0 wantarray ? :
1301 11 12 if (length $$ref == $self->uncompressedSize) { }
1309 12 0 if $status == 1
1310 0 12 unless $status == 0
1311 3 9 wantarray ? :
1318 0 88 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
1319 83 5 if ref $fhOrName
1322 88 0 if $status == 0
1339 0 409 if $self->fileName eq ''
1359 158 251 if $shouldWriteDataDescriptor
1372 0 409 if $status != 0
1376 0 409 if $status != 0
1379 0 409 if $status != 0
1382 295 114 if ($self->hasDataDescriptor) { }
23 91 elsif ($headerFieldsUnknown) { }
1389 0 409 if $status != 0
1400 5 492 if ($self->isSymbolicLink and 1) { }
1403 2 3 unless symlink $$outRef, $fhOrName
1406 94 398 if $self->uncompressedSize == 0
1412 0 406 if $status != 0 and $status != 1
1414 402 4 if (length $$outRef > 0)
1415 0 402 unless $self->_print($fhOrName, $$outRef)
1419 118 288 if $status == 1
1536 0 3 unless $self->isEncrypted
1539 0 3 unless defined $pass
1551 3 0 $self->{'externalFileAttributes'} ? :
1552 1 2 unless $head[-1] == $x