Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 110 204 53.9

line true false branch
240 19 1 unless (defined $self->{'tar'})
242 0 0 if ($self->_is_openbsd and $self->{'tar_read_options'})
246 0 19 if ($self->{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32') { }
253 0 19 unless (defined $self->{'tar'})
257 0 0 if ($self->{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32') { }
269 0 20 if (defined $self->{'ramdisk'}) { }
271 0 0 unless ($rc)
278 2 18 $self->{'tmpdir'} ? :
283 0 20 unless mkpath([$self->{'tardir'}], 0, 493)
285 0 20 if $logger->is_debug
325 0 0 if ($compress_opt)
334 0 0 if $self->{'tar_read_options'} ne ''
336 0 0 if scalar @{$self->{'tar_gnu_read_options'};} > 0
346 10 4 unless (File::Spec::Functions::file_name_is_absolute($tarfile))
351 0 14 unless chdir $self->{'tardir'}
358 0 14 if ($self->_is_openbsd) { }
371 0 14 if $logger->is_debug
374 1 13 unless ($error_code)
376 0 1 unless chdir $cwd
380 0 13 if $logger->is_warn and $err
381 0 13 unless chdir $cwd
382 0 13 $error_code == 0 ? :
399 0 7 unless chdir $self->{'tardir'}
400 0 7 unless open my $fh, '>', $list_file
402 0 7 if ($logger->is_debug)
410 0 18 -l $_ ? :
17 18 -d $_ ? :
416 0 35 if $logger->is_debug
421 0 7 if $logger->is_debug
423 0 7 unless chdir $cwd
454 21 3 unless $skip
459 0 24 if ($self->_is_openbsd) { }
1 46 elsif ($self->{'tar'} =~ /$bsd_regex/i and $self->{'tar_exit_code'} == 1) { }
474 1 23 unless $self->{'tar_exit_code'} == 0
475 22 2 if $self->{'version_info'} =~ /GNU/
484 0 0 unless defined $tar_path
486 0 0 if ($tar_path =~ /\s/)
538 5 14 if $tarfile =~ /$self->{'gzip_regex'}/xi
539 2 12 if $tarfile =~ /$self->{'bzip2_regex'}/xi
542 0 12 unless open my $fh, '<', $tarfile
544 0 12 unless my $read = sysread($fh, my $two, 2, 0)
548 1 11 if ord substr($two, 0, 1) == 31 and ord substr($two, 1, 1) == 139
571 14 3 if (-e $real_path) { }
572 0 14 if $logger->is_debug
576 0 3 if $logger->is_warn
610 2 14 if ($opts)
611 0 2 unless (ref $opts and ref $opts eq 'HASH')
617 1 15 if defined $opts->{'perm'}
618 0 16 if defined $opts->{'uid'}
619 0 16 if defined $opts->{'gid'}
620 1 15 if defined $opts->{'binmode'}
625 9 7 unless (-d $target_dir)
626 1 8 if (ref $path_or_stringref) { }
634 2 14 if (ref $path_or_stringref) { }
9 5 elsif (-d $path_or_stringref) { }
635 0 2 unless open my $fh, '>', $target
636 1 1 if (defined $binmode)
645 9 0 unless -d $target
648 0 5 unless copy($path_or_stringref, $target)
652 0 16 if (defined $uid)
653 0 0 unless chown $uid, -1, $target
657 0 16 if (defined $gid)
658 0 0 unless chown -1, $gid, $target
662 1 15 if (defined $perm)
663 0 1 unless chmod $perm, $target
667 13 2 unless (defined $uid or defined $gid or defined $perm or ref $path_or_stringref)
672 0 13 unless perm_cp($path_or_stringref, $target)
719 0 13 unless my(@stats) = (stat $filename)[2, 4, 5]
751 0 13 unless chmod $perms->[0] & 511, $filename
768 0 0 unless rmtree($target)
823 0 27 unless open my $fh, '<', $list_file
830 35 7 if (defined $line) { }
836 15 20 if $type eq 'd' and not $self->{'dirs'}
851 27 27 if (defined $new_offset)
852 0 27 unless open my $fh, '>', $offset_file
857 0 54 unless open my $fh, '<', $offset_file
880 0 5 unless chdir $self->{'tardir'}
882 0 5 unless (File::Spec::Functions::file_name_is_absolute($tarfile))
887 2 3 if $compress
889 0 5 unless opendir my $dir, '.'
900 0 5 if (@top_entries > $self->{'max_cmd_line_args'}) { }
902 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>', $filelist_file
916 0 5 if $logger->is_debug
919 1 4 unless ($rc)
921 0 1 unless chdir $cwd
925 0 4 if $err
926 0 4 unless chdir $cwd
938 20 13 if (length $_ <= 2 and $_ eq '.' || $_ eq '..') { }
941 10 10 if ($found < 1) { }
968 0 20 if defined $self->{'ramdisk'}
969 20 0 if defined $self->{'objdir'}
970 20 0 if defined $self->{'tmpdir'}
1037 0 0 unless $self->{'mount'}
1038 0 0 unless $self->{'umount'}
1041 0 0 unless (defined $self->{$_})
1049 0 0 unless defined $self->{'ramdisk'}{'size'}
1051 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'ramdisk'}{'tmpdir'})
1063 0 0 if ($rc)
1065 0 0 if ($logger->is_info)
1089 0 0 unless exists $self->{'ramdisk'}{'mounted'}
1091 0 0 if $logger->is_info
1094 0 0 if ($rc)