Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 40 67 59.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
435 0 0 96 $rv and $rv ne [()]
0 0 0 $rv and $rv eq [()]
667 32 16 0 $self->is_tgz && !$self->bin_gzip
40 8 0 $self->is_tbz && !$self->bin_bunzip2
32 16 0 $self->is_txz && !$self->bin_unxz
888 16 0 16 $Archive::Extract::_ALLOW_TAR_ITER and 'Archive::Tar'->can('iter')
1263 2 0 0 $self->have_old_bunzip2 and not $self->archive =~ /\.bz2$/i
1531 0 0 0 $buf and /[^[:print:]]/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1203 82 0 shift() || []
1583 109 1 do { shift() ? $self->_error_msg_long : $self->_error_msg } || []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
290 10 57 1 $parsed->{'type'} ||= type_for($ar)
368 4 4 88 $self->is_gz or $self->is_bz2
8 4 84 $self->is_gz or $self->is_bz2 or $self->is_Z
8 2 82 $self->is_gz or $self->is_bz2 or $self->is_Z or $self->is_lzma
6 2 80 $self->is_gz or $self->is_bz2 or $self->is_Z or $self->is_lzma or $self->is_xz
725 24 0 24 'IPC::Cmd'->can_capture_buffer || $buffer
986 1 0 1 'IPC::Cmd'->can_capture_buffer or $buffer
1061 1 0 1 'IPC::Cmd'->can_capture_buffer or $buffer
1110 0 0 0 'IPC::Cmd'->can_capture_buffer || $buffer
1281 1 0 1 'IPC::Cmd'->can_capture_buffer or $buffer
1382 1 0 1 'IPC::Cmd'->can_capture_buffer or $buffer
1452 1 0 1 'IPC::Cmd'->can_capture_buffer or $buffer
1540 0 0 0 $part =~ /ZIPINFO/ or $part =~ /usage:.+?Z1/