Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 113 156 72.4

line true false branch
33 82 1 unless (defined $self->use_plugins)
213 549 0 if (-f $filename) { }
214 0 549 unless open my $fh, "<:raw", $filename
217 0 549 unless close $fh
234 111 0 if (defined $searchkey)
237 0 363 unless defined $entry
239 64 299 if (__case_aware_compare_for_baginfo($key, $searchkey, $lc_flag))
244 63 48 if scalar @values > 0
294 58 0 if (defined $searchkey)
295 1 57 if ($searchkey =~ /:/)
302 16 103 if (__case_aware_compare_for_baginfo($key, $searchkey, $lc_flag))
317 49 7 if (defined $info)
320 173 49 if ($self->is_baginfo_key_reserved($key)) { }
328 129 93 if ($self->is_baginfo_key_reserved_as_uniq($key))
329 0 129 if ($keys{$key} > 1)
338 47 9 if (defined $loaded_payloadoxum) { }
340 5 42 if ("$octets.$streamcount" ne $loaded_payloadoxum)
356 2 1 if (defined $idx)
375 13 39 if (defined $idx)
387 56 0 if (defined $searchkey)
388 0 56 if ($searchkey =~ /:/)
389 41 15 if ($self->is_baginfo_key_reserved_as_uniq($searchkey))
390 5 36 if (defined $self->get_baginfo_values_by_key($searchkey))
405 67 0 if (defined $searchkey)
406 1 66 if ($searchkey =~ /:/)
407 50 16 if (defined $self->{'bag_info'})
409 12 38 if (defined $idx)
537 35 3 if (-f $manifest_file)
549 35 3 if (-f $tagmanifest_file)
562 4 378 unless ($is_portable)
564 2 2 unless ($self->has_force_utf8)
584 93 2 if (defined $excludedir)
599 328 54 if (-f $path_entry) { }
54 0 elsif (-d $path_entry) { }
602 36 18 if defined $excludedir and $path_entry eq $excludedir
625 0 128 $reldir eq '' ? :
627 0 57 wantarray ? :
635 1 116 unless open my $BAGIT, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $file
639 116 0 if (defined $version_string)
642 114 2 if (defined $encoding_string)
651 0 60 unless defined $version_string
652 57 3 if ($version_string =~ /^BagIt-Version: ([01]\.[0-9]+)$/) { }
664 1 55 unless defined $encoding_string
665 0 55 if $encoding_string =~ /^UTF-8$/
676 10 1 if ($kres != 0) { }
715 167 45 if ($textblob =~ s/(.+?)(?=^\S)//ms) { }
45 0 elsif ($textblob =~ s/(.*)//s) { }
721 212 0 if (defined $label)
735 42 18 if (-e $file)
736 0 42 unless open my $BAGINFO, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $file
755 174 0 $reldir eq '' ? :
757 0 35 wantarray ? :
762 0 48 if ($self->use_plugins) { }
765 32 16 if ($self->bag_version >= 1) { }
784 0 248 if @plugins == 0
786 0 330 unless load_class($plugin)
826 7 49 if (-f $fetch_file)
830 49 0 if ($self->has_forced_fixity_algorithm)
833 1 48 unless -f $manifest_file
835 0 48 unless -d $payload_dir
837 0 48 unless ($version > "0.95")
848 0 68 if (defined $res and $res ne 1)
853 0 55 if (defined $res and $res ne 1)
858 7 19 if (scalar @err > 0)
872 190 0 if (-e $file) { }
874 2 188 unless $filesize = -s $file
885 16 0 if ($octets < 1024) { }
0 0 elsif ($octets < 1048576) { }
0 0 elsif ($octets < 1073741824) { }
0 0 elsif ($octets < 1099511627776) { }
897 0 16 unless open my $BAGIT, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", $bagit_path
914 0 16 unless open my $BAGINFO, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", $bag_info_path
918 0 64 if ($key =~ /:/)
948 0 16 unless (-d $bag_path)
950 2 14 unless -d $self->payload_path
951 2 14 unless (-d $self->payload_path)
956 0 16 unless (-d $self->metadata_path)
968 0 16 if ($isa eq "Archive::BagIt")