Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 113 140 80.7

line true false branch
6 0 12 eval 'use Sub::Name; 1' ? :
0 12 $INC{'App/FatPacker/'} ? :
23 105 0 if exists $option->{'default'}
24 24 81 if ref $options{$switch} eq 'ARRAY'
27 0 28 unless ($parser->getoptions(\%options, @options_spec, $self->_default_options))
31 0 28 if ($options{'help'}) { }
0 28 elsif ($options{'man'}) { }
0 28 elsif ($options{'version'}) { }
48 28 0 if defined wantarray
53 37 4 if @_ == 1
54 1 3 unless $_[0]{'documentation'} = $_[1]
83 0 55 unless $name
84 0 55 $name =~ /::/ ? :
100 0 11 unless $self->{'caller'}
107 1 27 unless my $type = shift()
108 1 26 unless my $name = shift()
109 1 25 unless my $documentation = shift()
112 6 19 if (@_ % 2) { }
120 1 24 if ($args{'alias'} and not ref $args{'alias'})
138 2 1 if $self->documentation
139 2 1 if $self->version
147 4 20 if $width < $length
154 6 18 unless (my $name = $self->_attr_to_option($option->{'name'}))
161 3 15 $option->{'required'} ? :
17 1 length $name > 1 ? :
169 1 2 unless my $version = $self->version
171 1 1 unless ($version =~ /^\d/)
172 0 1 unless eval "require $version; 1"
180 37 5 if @_ == 1
181 1 4 unless $_[0]{'version'} = $_[1]
186 6 239 unless local $_ = $_[1]
195 2 113 if (ref $option->{'alias'} eq 'ARRAY')
199 4 111 if ($option->{'type'} =~ /^(?:bool|flag)/i) { }
1 110 elsif ($option->{'type'} =~ /^inc/) { }
49 61 elsif ($option->{'type'} =~ /^str/) { }
1 60 elsif ($option->{'type'} =~ /^int/i) { }
3 57 elsif ($option->{'type'} =~ /^num/i) { }
47 10 elsif ($option->{'type'} =~ /^file/) { }
10 0 elsif ($option->{'type'} =~ /^dir/) { }
208 26 89 if (my $n_of = $option->{'n_of'})
209 24 2 $n_of eq '@' ? :
211 0 26 if $option->{'default'} and ref $option->{'default'} ne 'ARRAY'
224 2 28 if $self->documentation
225 2 28 if $self->version
232 0 0 unless $reason =~ /^\d+$/
246 0 12 unless eval "\n package $application_class;\n use base qw(@$extends);\n 1;\n "
255 12 0 unless grep {$_->can('new');} @$extends
261 1 0 if (@required = grep({not defined $app->{$_};} @required))
275 2412 106 if $self->{'skip_subs'}{$name}
276 3 103 ref $ns->{$name} eq 'CODE' ? :
99 7 unless my $code = eval { do { ref $ns->{$name} eq 'CODE' ? $ns->{$name} : *{$ns->{$name};}{'CODE'} } }
283 0 12 if $application_class->isa('Moose::Object') and $application_class->can('meta')
288 0 22 if ($meta) { }
292 1 55 if @_ == 2
294 2 20 if $option->{'required'}
302 27 26 unless my $class = shift()
303 25 1 if $class->can('new')
304 0 1 eval "require $class; 1" ? :
315 0 105 unless local $_ = $_[1]
322 1 2 unless my $documentation = $self->documentation
325 0 2 unless (-e $documentation)
326 0 0 unless eval "use $documentation; 1"
331 0 2 unless open my $FH, '<', $documentation
334 2 97 if $print and /^=(?:cut|head1)/
335 8 89 if $print
336 2 95 if /^=head1 SYNOPSIS/
343 1 64 if *$fqn{'CODE'}
349 52 53 unless defined $input
352 28 25 unless my $class = _load_class($option->{'isa'})
353 9 16 ref $input eq 'ARRAY' ? :