Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 66 122 54.1

line true false branch
46 0 5 if @_
93 5 0 unless defined $errhandler
100 0 0 ref $file ? :
119 5 0 if (ref $file) { }
123 0 5 if $debug
127 0 0 unless (open FH, $file)
137 0 0 if $debug
150 1 86 if (s/\\$// and not eof $handle)
159 24 62 if /^\s*$/
166 3 59 if (/^\[([^\]]+)\]$/)
168 0 3 if $debug
173 59 0 if (/^([^\s=]+)(?:(?:(?:\s*=\s*)|\s+)(.*))?/) { }
176 51 8 if (defined $value)
178 6 45 if ($value =~ /^([^\s=]+\s*=)?\s*<<(['"]?)(\S+)\2$/) { }
180 1 5 defined $1 ? :
182 5 11 if $_ eq $boundary
197 16 43 if length $prefix
202 0 59 unless ($state->_exists($variable) or $state->set($variable, 1))
205 0 0 if $pedantic
212 2 57 if ($flag eq '-') { }
2 55 elsif ($flag eq '+') { }
218 2 0 unless defined $value
222 33 24 if ($nargs) { }
223 33 0 if (defined $value and length $value) { }
228 0 33 unless ($self->_expand(\$value, $state->_expand($variable), $prefix))
230 0 0 if $debug
233 0 0 if $pedantic
239 0 0 if $pedantic
247 20 4 if (defined $value) { }
249 5 15 if $value =~ /off/i
251 10 10 if $value
257 0 24 if $debug
262 0 57 unless ($state->set($variable, $value))
264 0 0 if $pedantic
278 0 5 $warnings ? :
315 0 33 unless defined $prefix
321 6 27 unless $expand and defined $$value
325 2 25 unless ($sys = $$self{'SYS'})
330 0 27 if $debug
338 25 2 if ($expand & 1)
345 0 7 defined $1 ? :
348 6 1 if ($state->_exists($var)) { }
1 0 elsif (length $prefix and $state->_exists($prefix . '_' . $var)) { }
353 0 1 if $debug
360 0 0 if ($expand & 8)
376 0 25 if $warnings and $pedantic
384 24 3 if ($expand & 2)
391 0 2 if (defined($var = $1)) { }
393 0 0 if ($sys->can_getpwnam)
402 0 2 unless (defined $val)
404 0 0 if ($expand & 8)
405 0 0 defined $var ? :
419 0 24 if $warnings and $pedantic
427 26 1 if ($expand & 4)
435 4 0 if (exists $ENV{$var}) { }
0 0 elsif ($var eq 'HOME') { }
443 0 0 if ($expand & 8)
456 0 26 if $warnings and $pedantic
460 0 27 if $debug
463 0 27 $warnings ? :
478 0 0 defined $$self{$key} ? :