Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 161 166 96.9

line true false branch
77 62 631 if ($self->starport eq 'A') { }
120 511 elsif ($self->starport eq 'B') { }
214 297 elsif ($self->starport eq 'C') { }
156 141 elsif ($self->starport eq 'D') { }
112 29 elsif ($self->starport eq 'E') { }
108 43 650 if $atmosphere < 0
116 126 567 if $atmosphere == 2 or $atmosphere == 3
119 77 545 if $atmosphere == 3 or $atmosphere == 4 or $atmosphere == 14
123 95 598 if $atmosphere == 8 or $atmosphere == 9
126 4 657 if $atmosphere == 10 or $atmosphere == 13 or $atmosphere == 15
130 20 673 if $atmosphere == 11 or $atmosphere == 12
139 20 527 if $self->atmosphere == 0 or $self->atmosphere == 1 or $self->atmosphere == 10 or $self->atmosphere == 11 or $self->atmosphere == 12
145 86 603 if $self->atmosphere != 13 and $self->temperature >= 10 and $self->temperature <= 11
149 38 655 if $self->atmosphere != 13 and $self->temperature >= 12
152 132 561 if $self->size <= 1 or $hydro < 0
155 28 665 if $hydro > 10
162 47 646 if $government < 0 or $self->population == 0
171 62 631 if $law < 0 or $self->population == 0
180 62 631 if $self->starport eq 'A'
181 120 573 if $self->starport eq 'B'
182 214 479 if $self->starport eq 'C'
183 29 664 if $self->starport eq 'X'
184 58 635 if $self->size <= 1
185 229 464 if $self->size >= 2 and $self->size <= 4
186 296 397 if $self->atmosphere <= 3 or $self->atmosphere >= 10
187 204 489 if $self->hydro == 0 or $self->hydro == 9
188 51 642 if $self->hydro == 10
189 382 311 if $self->population >= 1 and $self->population <= 5
190 43 650 if $self->population == 9
191 17 676 if $self->population == 10
192 0 693 if $self->population == 11
193 0 693 if $self->population == 12
194 148 545 if $self->government == 0 or $self->government == 5
195 68 625 if $self->government == 7
196 7 686 if $self->government == 13 or $self->government == 14
197 19 674 if $self->population == 0
198 7 686 if $tech > 15
205 34 659 if $self->atmosphere <= 1 and $self->tech < 8
206 32 661 if $self->atmosphere <= 3 and $self->tech < 5
207 15 678 if $self->atmosphere == 4 || $self->atmosphere == 7 || $self->atmosphere == 9 and $self->tech < 3
210 16 677 if $self->atmosphere == 10 and $self->tech < 8
211 6 687 if $self->atmosphere == 11 and $self->tech < 9
212 5 688 if $self->atmosphere == 12 and $self->tech < 10
213 0 4 if $self->atmosphere == 13 and $self->atmosphere == 14 and $self->tech < 5
215 0 693 if $self->atmosphere == 15 and $self->tech < 8
216 95 598 if ($doomed)
227 80 111 if $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9 and $self->hydro >= 4 and $self->hydro <= 8 and $self->population >= 5 and $self->population <= 7
230 11 8 if $self->size == 0 and $self->atmosphere == 0 and $self->hydro == 0
231 103 0 if $self->population == 0 and $self->government == 0 and $self->law == 0
232 81 612 if $self->atmosphere >= 2 and $self->hydro == 0
233 33 660 if $self->atmosphere >= 10 and $self->hydro >= 1
234 150 140 if $self->size >= 5 and $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9 and $self->hydro >= 4 and $self->hydro <= 8
237 51 642 if $self->population >= 9
238 75 618 if $self->tech >= 12
239 24 669 if $self->atmosphere <= 1 and $self->hydro >= 1
240 29 664 if $self->population >= 9 and &any(sub { $_ == $self->atmosphere; } , 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 9)
241 163 530 if $self->population >= 1 and $self->population <= 3
242 110 583 if $self->tech >= 1 and $self->tech <= 5
243 70 170 if $self->atmosphere <= 3 and $self->hydro <= 3 and $self->population >= 6
244 271 422 if $self->population >= 4 and $self->population <= 6
245 127 452 if $self->atmosphere >= 2 and $self->atmosphere <= 5 and $self->hydro <= 3
246 39 206 if $self->population >= 6 and $self->population <= 8 and &any(sub { $_ == $self->atmosphere; } , 6, 8)
247 51 642 if $self->hydro >= 10
248 69 624 if $self->atmosphere == 0
255 56 637 if $self->atmosphere >= 10
256 54 639 if $self->population and $self->government == 0
257 61 632 if $self->government == 7
258 23 670 if $self->government == 10
259 73 620 if $self->population and $self->law == 0
260 123 570 if $self->law >= 9
261 21 672 if $danger and $self->pirate
262 289 383 if $danger
288 3868 290 if $num < 10
305 73 620 if $self->naval
306 263 430 if $self->scout
307 87 606 if $self->research
308 174 519 if $self->TAS
309 119 574 if $self->consulate
310 39 654 if $self->pirate
311 580 113 if $self->gasgiant
314 310 383 if $self->travelzone
315 423 270 if ($self->culture)
317 175 248 if $self->travelzone