Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 88 0.0

line true false branch
30 0 0 if ($self->starport =~ /^[AB]$/u)
33 0 0 if ($self->starport eq 'A') { }
0 0 elsif ($self->starport eq 'B') { }
0 0 elsif ($self->starport eq 'C') { }
0 0 elsif ($self->starport eq 'D') { }
47 0 0 $self->size == 0 ? :
59 0 0 if $self->atmosphere <= 1 or $self->atmosphere >= 10
62 0 0 if $self->size <= 1
70 0 0 if $self->starport eq 'A'
71 0 0 if $self->starport eq 'B'
72 0 0 if $self->starport eq 'C'
73 0 0 if $self->starport eq 'X'
74 0 0 if $self->size <= 1
75 0 0 if $self->size >= 2 and $self->size <= 4
76 0 0 if $self->atmosphere <= 3 or $self->atmosphere >= 10
77 0 0 if $self->hydro == 9
78 0 0 if $self->hydro == 10
79 0 0 if $self->population >= 1 and $self->population <= 5
80 0 0 if $self->population == 9
81 0 0 if $self->population == 10
82 0 0 if $self->government == 0 or $self->government == 5
83 0 0 if $self->government == 13
98 0 0 if $self->atmosphere =~ /^[68]$/u and $self->population >= 6 and $self->population <= 8 and $self->government >= 4 and $self->government <= 9
101 0 0 if $self->atmosphere >= 2 and $self->atmosphere <= 5 and $self->hydro <= 3
103 0 0 if $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9 and $self->hydro >= 4 and $self->hydro <= 8 and $self->population >= 5 and $self->population <= 7
106 0 0 if $self->atmosphere <= 3 and $self->hydro <= 3 and $self->population >= 6
108 0 0 if $self->atmosphere =~ /^[012479]$/u and $self->population >= 9
109 0 0 if $self->population <= 6
110 0 0 if $self->hydro == 10
111 0 0 if $self->atmosphere >= 2 and $self->hydro == 0
112 0 0 if $self->atmosphere == 0
113 0 0 if $self->size == 0
114 0 0 if $self->atmosphere <= 1 and $self->hydro >= 1
121 0 0 if not defined $num && $num =~ /^\d{1,2}$/u or $num >= length $code
138 0 0 if $self->naval
139 0 0 if $self->scout
140 0 0 if $self->research
141 0 0 if $self->TAS
142 0 0 if $self->consulate
143 0 0 if $self->pirate
144 0 0 if $self->gasgiant
147 0 0 if $self->travelzone
148 0 0 if ($self->culture)
150 0 0 if $self->travelzone