Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 177 186 95.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
145 11 1061 249 $self->atmosphere != 13 and $self->temperature >= 10
1072 94 155 $self->atmosphere != 13 and $self->temperature >= 10 and $self->temperature <= 11
149 11 1216 94 $self->atmosphere != 13 and $self->temperature >= 12
185 109 769 443 $self->size >= 2 and $self->size <= 4
189 29 542 750 $self->population >= 1 and $self->population <= 5
205 1132 141 48 $self->atmosphere <= 1 and $self->tech < 8
206 884 402 35 $self->atmosphere <= 3 and $self->tech < 5
207 975 315 31 $self->atmosphere == 4 || $self->atmosphere == 7 || $self->atmosphere == 9 and $self->tech < 3
210 1264 28 29 $self->atmosphere == 10 and $self->tech < 8
211 1279 20 22 $self->atmosphere == 11 and $self->tech < 9
212 1300 5 16 $self->atmosphere == 12 and $self->tech < 10
213 1310 11 0 $self->atmosphere == 13 and $self->atmosphere == 14
1321 0 0 $self->atmosphere == 13 and $self->atmosphere == 14 and $self->tech < 5
215 1321 0 0 $self->atmosphere == 15 and $self->tech < 8
227 437 132 752 $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9
569 221 531 $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9 and $self->hydro >= 4
353 105 426 $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9 and $self->hydro >= 4 and $self->hydro <= 8
326 192 234 $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9 and $self->hydro >= 4 and $self->hydro <= 8 and $self->population >= 5
297 72 162 $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9 and $self->hydro >= 4 and $self->hydro <= 8 and $self->population >= 5 and $self->population <= 7
230 1282 12 27 $self->size == 0 and $self->atmosphere == 0
1294 0 27 $self->size == 0 and $self->atmosphere == 0 and $self->hydro == 0
231 1136 0 185 $self->population == 0 and $self->government == 0
1136 0 185 $self->population == 0 and $self->government == 0 and $self->law == 0
232 189 962 170 $self->atmosphere >= 2 and $self->hydro == 0
233 1189 64 68 $self->atmosphere >= 10 and $self->hydro >= 1
234 552 97 672 $self->size >= 5 and $self->atmosphere >= 4
649 132 540 $self->size >= 5 and $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9
229 108 432 $self->size >= 5 and $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9 and $self->hydro >= 4
240 104 328 $self->size >= 5 and $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9 and $self->hydro >= 4 and $self->hydro <= 8
239 1132 159 30 $self->atmosphere <= 1 and $self->hydro >= 1
240 1222 48 51 $self->population >= 9 and &any(sub { $_ == $self->atmosphere; } , 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 9)
241 185 821 315 $self->population >= 1 and $self->population <= 3
242 190 893 238 $self->tech >= 1 and $self->tech <= 5
243 884 136 301 $self->atmosphere <= 3 and $self->hydro <= 3
1020 203 98 $self->atmosphere <= 3 and $self->hydro <= 3 and $self->population >= 6
244 500 307 514 $self->population >= 4 and $self->population <= 6
245 189 565 567 $self->atmosphere >= 2 and $self->atmosphere <= 5
754 342 225 $self->atmosphere >= 2 and $self->atmosphere <= 5 and $self->hydro <= 3
246 852 99 370 $self->population >= 6 and $self->population <= 8
951 301 69 $self->population >= 6 and $self->population <= 8 and &any(sub { $_ == $self->atmosphere; } , 6, 8)
256 185 1035 101 $self->population and $self->government == 0
259 185 986 150 $self->population and $self->law == 0
261 702 580 39 $danger and $self->pirate

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
116 110 138 1073 $atmosphere == 2 or $atmosphere == 3
119 138 150 1033 $atmosphere == 3 or $atmosphere == 4
288 1 1032 $atmosphere == 3 or $atmosphere == 4 or $atmosphere == 14
123 92 82 1147 $atmosphere == 8 or $atmosphere == 9
126 57 11 1253 $atmosphere == 10 or $atmosphere == 13
68 0 1253 $atmosphere == 10 or $atmosphere == 13 or $atmosphere == 15
130 42 21 1258 $atmosphere == 11 or $atmosphere == 12
139 116 73 1132 $self->atmosphere == 0 or $self->atmosphere == 1
189 57 1075 $self->atmosphere == 0 or $self->atmosphere == 1 or $self->atmosphere == 10
130 42 1033 $self->atmosphere == 0 or $self->atmosphere == 1 or $self->atmosphere == 10 or $self->atmosphere == 11
99 21 1012 $self->atmosphere == 0 or $self->atmosphere == 1 or $self->atmosphere == 10 or $self->atmosphere == 11 or $self->atmosphere == 12
152 109 150 1062 $self->size <= 1 or $hydro < 0
162 73 18 1230 $government < 0 or $self->population == 0
171 123 15 1183 $law < 0 or $self->population == 0
186 437 132 752 $self->atmosphere <= 3 or $self->atmosphere >= 10
187 329 51 941 $self->hydro == 0 or $self->hydro == 9
194 137 131 1053 $self->government == 0 or $self->government == 5
196 13 2 1306 $self->government == 13 or $self->government == 14
207 264 82 975 $self->atmosphere == 4 || $self->atmosphere == 7 || $self->atmosphere == 9